
Configure Signing Settings

Configure the build.gradle with signing configuration

You can define the signing configuration to sign the apk in the build.gradle file.

You can define:

  • storeFile : the keystore file
  • storePassword: the keystore password
  • keyAlias: a key alias name
  • keyPassword: A key alias password

You have to define the signingConfigs block to create a signing configuration:

android {
    signingConfigs {

        myConfig {
            storeFile file("myFile.keystore")
            storePassword "myPasswork"
            keyAlias "aKeyAlias"
            keyPassword "myAliasPassword"

Then you can assign it to one or more build types.

android {

    buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.myConfig

Define the signing configuration in an external file

You can define the signing configuration in an external file as a in the root directory of your project.

For example you can define these keys (you can use your favorite names):


Then in your build.gradle file:

android {

    signingConfigs {
     buildTypes {
        release {
            signingConfig signingConfigs.release

Then you can introduce some checks to avoid gradle issues in the build process.

// Signing
def Properties props = new Properties()
def propFile = file('../')
if (propFile.canRead()) {

    if (props != null && props.containsKey('STORE_FILE') && props.containsKey('STORE_PASSWORD') &&
            props.containsKey('KEY_ALIAS') && props.containsKey('KEY_PASSWORD')) {

        android.signingConfigs.release.storeFile = file(props['STORE_FILE'])
        android.signingConfigs.release.storePassword = props['STORE_PASSWORD']
        android.signingConfigs.release.keyAlias = props['KEY_ALIAS']
        android.signingConfigs.release.keyPassword = props['KEY_PASSWORD']
    } else {
        android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig = null
} else {
    android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig = null

Define the signing configuration setting environment variables

You can store the signing information setting environment variables.
These values can be accessed with System.getenv("<VAR-NAME>")

In your build.gradle you can define:

signingConfigs {
    release {
        storeFile file(System.getenv("KEYSTORE"))
        storePassword System.getenv("KEYSTORE_PASSWORD")
        keyAlias System.getenv("KEY_ALIAS")
        keyPassword System.getenv("KEY_PASSWORD")

Define signing configuration in a separate gradle file

The simplest and cleanest way to add an external configuration is through a separate Gradle file


apply from: './keystore.gradle'
    signingConfigs {
        release {
            storeFile file(keystore.storeFile)
            storePassword keystore.storePassword
            keyAlias keystore.keyAlias
            keyPassword keystore.keyPassword


ext.keystore = [
    storeFile    : "/path/to/your/file",
    storePassword: 'password of the store',
    keyAlias     : 'alias_of_the_key',
    keyPassword  : 'password_of_the_key'

The keystore.gradle file can exist anywhere in your file system, you can specify its location inside the apply from: '' at the top of your gradle file or at the end of your main project build.gradle file.

Typically its a good idea to ignore this file from version control system such as git if its located inside your repo.

It is also a good idea to provide a sample keystore.gradle.sample which developers entering the project would rename and populate on their development machine. This file would always be contained inside the repo at the correct location.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow