
Working with angular-cli: Generating components, directives, pipes, services, etc.


The angular-cli tool can help you to scaffold different parts of an angular application (components, directives, pipes, services, classes, guards, interfaces, enums and modules).


  • ng generate [component | directive | service | pipe | class | enum | interface | guard | module] [name] [flags…]
  • ng g [c | d | s | p | cl | e | i | g | m] [name] [flags…]


Parameter Description
component or c Used to generate component
directive or d Used to generate directives
service or s Used to generate services
pipe or p Used to generate pipes
class or cl Used to generate classes
enum or e Used to generate enums
interfaces or i Used to generate interfaces
guard or g Used to generate guards
module or m Used to generate modules
--flat or -f Used to enable/disable directory creation
--inline-template or -it Used to enable/disable inline html templates in components
--inline-style or -is Used to enable/disable inline styles in components
--prefix or -p Used to disable or change prefix
--spec or -s Used to enable/disable .spec files creation
--skip-import Used to skip the module import
--app or -a Used to specify app name to use
--module or -m Used to specify the declaring module
--view-encapsulation or -ve Used to specify the view encapsulation strategy in components
--change-detection or -cd Used to specify the change detection strategy in components
--routing or -r Used to specify if routing module file should be generated

“Generate command” usage

You can use the ng generate or ng g command to generate Angular building blocks (components, services, pipes, etc.).

You can find all possible blueprints in the table below:

Scaffold Usage Shortened
Component ng generate component component-name ng g c component-name
Directive ng generate directive directive-name ng g d directive-name
Pipe ng generate pipe pipe-name ng g p pipe-name
Service ng generate service service-name ng g s service-name
Class ng generate class class-name ng g cl class-name
Guard ng generate guard guard-name ng g g guard-name
Interface ng generate interface interface-name ng g i interface-name
Enum ng generate enum enum-name ng g e enum-name
Module ng generate module module-name ng g m module-name

So, for example, if you run ng generate component user-list - angular-cli will:

  • create user-list directory in src/app folder or folder where you have run the command.
  • inside that directory generate 4 files (user-list.component.ts, user-list.component.html, user-list.component.css and user-list.component.spec.ts)
  • add user-list as a declaration in the @NgModule decorator of the nearest module.

Generating components

To add a component with a selector [prefix]-user-list, run:

  $ ng g c user-list
  installing component
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.css
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.html
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.spec.ts
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

prefix prevents element name collisions with components in other apps and with native HTML elements.

So, for example, if prefix is app - generated component will have app-user-list selector.

  • To prevent prefix usage add --prefix false or -p false flag
  $ ng g c user-list --prefix false
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'user-list',
  templateUrl: './user-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./user-list.component.css']
export class UserListComponent {}
  • To prevent .spec files creation add --spec false or -sp false flag
  $ ng g c user-list --spec false

  installing component
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.css
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.html
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To use inline html templates instead of external templates add --inline-template or -it flag
  $ ng g c user-list --inline-template

  installing component
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.css
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.spec.ts
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To use inline styles instead of external styles add --inline-style or -is flag
  $ ng g c user-list --inline-style

  installing component
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.html
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.spec.ts
    create src/app/user-list/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To prevent folder creation add --flat or -f flag
  $ ng g c user-list --flat
  installing component
    create src/app/user-list.component.css
    create src/app/user-list.component.html
    create src/app/user-list.component.spec.ts
    create src/app/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

You can also combine flags listed above. For example, to create only .component.ts file without .css, .html, .spec files and folder use the following command.

  $ ng g c user-list -f -it -is -sp false
  installing component
    create src/app/user-list.component.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts  

All generate component flags:

Description Flag Shortened Default Value
Prevent folder creation --flat -f false
Prevent prefix usage --prefix false -p false true
Prevent .spec files creation --spec false -sp false true
Enable inline html templates --inline-template -it false
Enable inline styles --inline-style -is false

Generating directives

To add a directive with a selector [prefix]Highlight, run:

  $ ng g d highlight

  installing directive
    create src/app/highlight.directive.spec.ts
    create src/app/highlight.directive.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To prevent prefix usage add --prefix false or -p false flag
  $ ng g d highlight --prefix false
import { Directive } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[highlight]'
export class HighlightDirective {}
  • To prevent .spec files creation add --spec false or -sp false flag
  $ ng g d highlight --spec false

  installing directive
    create src/app/highlight.directive.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To enable folder creation add --flat false or -f false flag
  $ ng g d highlight --flat false
  installing directive
    create src/app/highlight/highlight.directive.spec.ts
    create src/app/highlight/highlight.directive.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

You can also combine flags listed above. For example, to create only highlight.directive.ts file inside highlight folder without .spec file use the following command.

  $ ng g d highlight -f false -sp false

  installing directive
    create src/app/highlight/highlight.directive.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

All generate directive flags:

Description Flag Shortened Default Value
Enable folder creation --flat false -f false true
Prevent prefix usage --prefix false -p false true
Prevent .spec files creation --spec false -sp false true

Generating services

To add a service with a name UserService, run:

  $ ng g s user

  installing service
    create src/app/user.service.spec.ts
    create src/app/user.service.ts
  • To prevent .spec files creation add --spec false or -sp false flag
  $ ng g s user --spec false
  installing service
    create src/app/user.service.ts
  • To enable folder creation add --flat false or -f false flag
  $ ng g s user --flat false

  installing service
    create src/app/user/user.service.spec.ts
    create src/app/user/user.service.ts

You can also combine flags listed above. For example, to create only user.service.ts file inside user folder without .spec file use the following command.

  $ ng g s user -f false -sp false

  installing service
    create src/app/user/user.service.ts

All generate service flags:

Description Flag Shortened Default Value
Enable folder creation --flat false -f false true
Prevent .spec files creation --spec false -sp false true

Generating pipes

To add a pipe with a name searchByName, run:

  $ ng g p search-by-name

  installing pipe
    create src/app/search-by-name.pipe.spec.ts
    create src/app/search-by-name.pipe.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To prevent .spec files creation add --spec false or -sp false flag
  $ ng g p search-by-name --spec false
  installing pipe
    create src/app/search-by-name.pipe.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts
  • To enable folder creation add --flat false or -f false flag
  $ ng g p search-by-name --flat false
  installing pipe
    create src/app/search-by-name/search-by-name.pipe.spec.ts
    create src/app/search-by-name/search-by-name.pipe.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

You can also combine flags listed above. For example, to create only search-by-name.pipe.ts file inside folder search-by-name folder without .spec file use the following command.

  $ ng g p search-by-name -f false -sp false

  installing pipe
    create src/app/search-by-name/search-by-name.pipe.ts
    update src/app/app.module.ts

All generate pipe flags:

Description Flag Shortened Default Value
Enable folder creation --flat false -f false true
Prevent .spec files creation --spec false -sp false true

Generating modules

To add a module called GuestModule, run:

  $ ng g m guest

  installing module
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.ts
  • To enable .spec files creation add --spec or -sp flag
  $ ng g m guest --spec

  installing module
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.spec.ts
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.ts
  • To enable routing add --routing or -r flag
  $ ng g m guest --routing

  installing module
    create src/app/guest/guest-routing.module.ts
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.ts

You can also combine flags listed above. For example, to create module with routing and specs use the following command.

  $ ng g m guest -sp -r
  installing module
    create src/app/guest/guest-routing.module.ts
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.spec.ts
    create src/app/guest/guest.module.ts

All generate module flags:

Description Flag Shortened Default Value
Enable .spec files creation --spec -sp false
Enable routing --routing -r false

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow