
Custom filters with ES6

FileSize Filter using ES6

We have here a file Size filter to describe how to add costum filter to an existing module :

let fileSize=function (size,unit,fixedDigit) {
return size.toFixed(fixedDigit) + ' '+unit;

  let fileSizeFilter=function () {
        return function (size) {
            if (isNaN(size))
                size = 0;

            if (size < 1024)
                return size + ' octets';

            size /= 1024;

            if (size < 1024)
               return fileSize(size,'Ko',2);

            size /= 1024;

            if (size < 1024)
               return  fileSize(size,'Mo',2);

            size /= 1024;

            if (size < 1024)
               return  fileSize(size,'Go',2);

            size /= 1024;
            return  fileSize(size,'To',2);
export default fileSizeFilter;

The filter call into the module :

import fileSizeFilter from 'path...';
let myMainModule =
    angular.module('mainApp', [])
   .filter('fileSize', fileSizeFilter);

The html code where we call the filter :

<div ng-app="mainApp">
        <input type="text" ng-model="size" />
        <p>{{size| Filesize}}</p>

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