Azure Resource Manager Templates
- Syntax for ARM templates is well documented:
Create extension resource
Extension Resources in Azure are resources that extend other resources.
This template creates an Azure Key Vault as well as a DiagnosticSettings extension.
Things to note:
The extension resource is created under the
attribute of the parent resource -
It needs to have a
attribute referencing the parent resource (to prevent ARM from attempting to create the extension in parallel with the parent resource){ “$schema”: ””, “contentVersion”: “”, “parameters”: { “keyVaultName”: { “type”: “string”, “metadata”: { “description”: “Name of the Vault” } }, “tenantId”: { “type”: “string”, “metadata”: { “description”: “Tenant ID of the directory associated with this key vault” } }, “location”: { “type”: “string”, “metadata”: { “description”: “Key Vault location” } }, “storageAccountResourceGroup”: { “type”: “string”, “metadata”: { “description”: “Resource Group of the storage account where key vault activities will be logged” } }, “storageAccountName”: { “type”: “string”, “metadata”: { “description”: “Name of the storage account where key vault activities will be logged. Must be in same region as the key vault.” } } }, “resources”: [ { “type”: “Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults”, “name”: “[parameters(‘keyVaultName’)]”, “apiVersion”: “2015-06-01”, “location”: “[parameters(‘location’)]”, “properties”: { “enabledForDeployment”: “false”, “enabledForDiskEncryption”: “false”, “enabledForTemplateDeployment”: “false”, “tenantId”: “[variables(‘tenantId’)]”, “sku”: { “name”: “Standard”, “family”: “A” } }, “resources”: [ { “type”: “Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/providers/diagnosticSettings”, “name”: “[concat(parameters(‘keyVaultName’), ‘/Microsoft.Insights/service’)]”, “apiVersion”: “2015-07-01”, “dependsOn”: [ “[concat(‘Microsoft.keyvault/vaults/’, parameters(‘keyVaultName’))]” ], “properties”: { “storageAccountId”: “[resourceId(parameters(‘storageAccountResourceGroup’), ‘Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts’, parameters(‘storageAccountName’))]”, “logs”: [{ “category”: “AuditEvent”, “enabled”: true, “retentionPolicy”: { “enabled”: true, “days”: 90 } }] } }] } ], “outputs”: { “keyVaultUrl”: { “type”: “string”, “value”: “[reference(resourceId(‘Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults’, parameters(‘keyVaultName’))).vaultUri]” } } }