


sync is a function that Backbone uses to handle all sending or receiving of data to/from a remote server. The default implementation uses jQuery (or Zepto) to perform AJAX operations when data is synced. However, this method can be overriden to apply different syncing behavior, such as:

  • Using setTimeout to batch multiple updates into a single request
  • Sending model data as XML instead of JSON
  • Using WebSockets instead of Ajax


  • sync(method, model, options)


parameter details
method create , read , update , delete
model the model to be saved (or collection to be read)
options success and error callbacks, and all other jQuery request options

Basic Example

The sync() method reads and fetched the model data

     Backbone.sync = function(method, model) {
        document.write("The state of the model is:");

        //The 'method' specifies state of the model
        document.write(method + ": " + JSON.stringify(model));

     //'myval' is a collection instance and contains the values which are to be fetched in the collection
     var myval = new Backbone.Collection({
        title:"Farhad Mehryari Official Website"

     //The myval.fetch() method displays the model's state by delegating to sync() method

this code will outputs :

The state of the model is:
read: [{"site":"","title":"Farhad Mehryari Official Website"}]

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