Using javascript to customize the storefront
Javascript examples to interact with existing store variables or scrape data that isn’t easily exposed
Obtaining product data and order details from finishorder.php
It parses the data from the %%GLOBAL_ConversionCode%% template variable, and as such this script should be inserted in order.html immediately after the %%GLOBAL_ConversionCode%% variable. This was originally intended for the Blueprint theme framework and, as such, may not work on Stencil.
//-------------- Main --------------//
//** Create the order data array from analytics script **//
var data = parseAnalyticsData(getAnalyticsScript());
* Retrieve the order details as an object, properties are:
* id - The order ID.
* shipping - The order shipping cost.
* tax - The order tax cost.
* shippingTax - The order shipping tax cost.
* city - The order shipping city.
* state - The order shipping state.
* country - The order shipping country.
var orderDetails = getOrderDetails(data);
console.log("Order ID = %d",;
console.log("Order shipping city = %s",;
console.log("Order subtotal = %f", orderDetails.subtotal);
* Retrieve the order product details, as an array of product objects.
* Properties are:
* id - The product ID.
* description - The product description.
* tax - The product tax cost.
* price - The product price per product.
* qty - The product quantity purchased.
var products = getOrderProducts(data);
//** Loop through the products array to access each product **//
console.log("Total number of products = %d", products.length);
for (x=0; x<products.length; x++) {
console.log("Item # ", x+1);
console.log("Product ID = %f", products[x].id);
console.log("Product QTY = %f", products[x].qty);
console.log("Product Price = %f", products[x].price);
//-------------- Functions --------------//
* Parses the DOM to retrieve the order data analytics script.
function getAnalyticsScript() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var thisScriptTag = scripts[scripts.length - 2];
var data = thisScriptTag.textContent || thisScriptTag.innerText;
return data;
* Parses the raw analytics script element to remove all script
* text, and parse just the order related data into an array.
* @param script <String> - The raw order analytics script.
* @return <mixed> - Array containing the order data.
function parseAnalyticsData(data) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.split(search).join(replacement);
// This is hacky, and probably inefficient, but it removes all
// script related text, so the end result is just a comma separated
// array of the order and product data.
data = data.replace("if(typeof(pageTracker) != 'undefined') {", '');
data = data.replaceAll( 'pageTracker._addTrans(', '');
data = data.replaceAll( ' pageTracker._trackTrans();', '');
data = data.replaceAll( 'pageTracker._addItem(', '');
data = data.replaceAll(');', '');
data = data.replace('}', '');
data = data.replace( /\n/g, ",").replaceAll( ",,",",");
data = data.replace(/\s/g,'');
data = data.split(',');
data = cleanArray(data); // Remove all empty values from array.
return data;
* Removes all empty data from array.
* @param array <mixed> - The array to clean.
function cleanArray(array) {
var newArray = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i]) {
return newArray;
* Parse Analytics Data for Order Details
* @param data <mixed> - The order analytics data.
* @return <mixed> - Object containing the order details.
function getOrderDetails(data) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.split(search).join(replacement);
return {
id : parseFloat(data[0].replaceAll("'",'')),
subtotal : ( parseFloat(data[2].replaceAll("'",'')) - (parseFloat(data[3].replaceAll("'",'')) + parseFloat(data[4].replaceAll("'",'')) ) ),
total : parseFloat(data[2].replaceAll("'",'')),
tax : parseFloat(data[3].replaceAll("'",'')),
shipping : parseFloat(data[4].replaceAll("'",'')),
city : data[5].replaceAll("'",''),
state : data[6].replaceAll("'",''),
country : data[7].replaceAll("'",'')
* Parse Analytics Data for All Order Product Details.
* @param data <mixed> - The order analytics data.
* @return <mixed> - Array containing individual product details.
function getOrderProducts(data) {
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(search, replacement) {
var target = this;
return target.split(search).join(replacement);
var counter = -1; // Keep index of details per product.
var productsArray = []; // Init empty array to hold all products.
var product = {}; // Init empty object to hold single product data.
//** Product data starts at index 8 **//
for (x=8; x<data.length; x++) {
switch (counter) {
case 1: = parseFloat(data[x].replaceAll("'",''));
case 2:
product.description = data[x].replaceAll("'",'');
case 3: = parseFloat(data[x].replaceAll("'",''));
case 4:
product.price = parseFloat(data[x].replaceAll("'",''));
case 5:
product.qty = parseFloat(data[x].replaceAll("'",''));
counter = -1; // reset counter
productsArray.push(product); // push product to products array
product = {};
return productsArray;
Change product image on hover on a category page in Stencil
This was added to assets/js/theme/category.js
in loaded()
. You will also need to add {{inject "categoryProducts" category.products}}
to templates/pages/category.html
var mainImages = [];
var rollOvers = [];
this.context.categoryProducts.forEach(function(e, i) {
if (e.images[0]) {
mainImages[] = e.images[0].data;
if (e.images[1]) {
rollOvers[] = e.images[1].data;
rollOvers.forEach(function(image, id) {
image = image.replace('{:size}', '500x659');
$('a[data-product-id="' + id + '"]').closest('li.product').find('.card-image')
.on('mouseover', function() {
$(this).attr('src', image);
}).on('mouseout', function() {
$(this).attr('src', mainImages[id].replace('{:size}', '500x659'));