
Notifications: Overview



In Bosun notifications are used for both new alert incidents and when an alert is acked/closed/etc. If you don’t want the other events to trigger a notification add runOnActions = false to the notification definition.

See also:

SMS Notifications with plivo

There are two ids you will need from your plivo account. Replace authid and authtoken in this snippet with those values. The src value should also be a valid number assigned to your account. dst can be any number you want, or multiple seperated by <.

notification sms {
  post =
  body = {"text": {{.|json}}, "dst":"15551234567","src":"15559876543"}
  contentType = application/json
  runOnActions = false

This will text the alert subject to all numbers in dst.

Email Notifications

To send email notifications you need to add the following settings to your config file:

#Using a company SMTP server (note only one can be define)
smtpHost =
emailFrom =

#Using Gmail with TLS and username/password
smtpHost =
emailFrom =
smtpUsername =
smtpPassword = ${env.EMAILPASSWORD}

#Chained notifications will escalate if an incident is not acked before the timeout
notification it {
    email =
    next = oncall
    timeout = 30m

#Could set additional escalations here using any notification type (email/get/post)
#or set next = oncall to send another email after the timeout if alert is still not acked
notification oncall {
    email =

#Multiple email addresses can be specified in one notification definition
#Use runOnActions = false to exclude updates on actions (ack/closed/forget)
notification engineering {
    email =,,
    runOnActions = false


Bosun notifications are assigned to alert definitions using warnNotification and critNotification and indicate where to send the rendered alert template when a new incident occur. Notifications can be sent via email or use HTTP GET/POST requests. There also is a Print notification that just adds information to the Bosun log file.

If you want to hide a URL, Password, or API Key from being in plain text you can use ${env.VARIABLENAME} to load the value from an Environmental Variable (usually exported from the Bosun init script). Please note that there are no protections on who can access the variables (they can easily be displayed in a template) but it does prevent them from being displayed directly on the Rule Editor page or in the .conf file.

notification logfile {
    print = true

#print can be added to any notification type to help with debugging
notification email {
    email =
    print = true

HTTP GET/POST Notifications

Alert incidents can be sent to other system using HTTP GET or HTTP POST requests. You can either send the rendered alert directly (using markdown in the template perhaps) or use body = ... {{.|json}} ... and contentType to send the alert data over as part of a JSON object. Another approach is to only send the basic incident information and then have the receiving system pull additional details from the bosun API.

notification postjson {
    post = ${env.POSTURL}
    body = {"text": {{.|json}}, apiKey=${env.APIKEY}}
    contentType = application/json

The contentType for HTTP GET/POST requests is application/x-www-form-urlencoded by default.

SMS Notifications with Twilio

Swap out AccountSid, AuthToken, ToPhoneNumber and FromPhoneNumber for your credentials/intended recipients. You need to ensure that if the ToPhoneNumber and FromPhoneNumber have + in them, they are urlencoded (ie: as %2B)

notification sms {
    post = https://{AccountSid}:{Authtoken}{AccountSid}/Messages.json
    body = Body={{.}}&To={ToPhoneNumber}&From={FromPhoneNumber}

From gist:

PagerDuty Notifications

#Post to
notification pagerduty {
    post =
    contentType = application/json
    runOnActions = false
    body = `{
     "service_key": "myservicekey",
     "incident_key": {{.|json}},
     "event_type": "trigger",
     "description": {{.|json}},
     "client": "Bosun",
     "client_url": ""

Changing Notification Using Lookup

In some cases you may want to change which notification you use based on a tag in the Alert keys. You can do this using the Lookup feature. Note: Lookup only works if you are using OpenTSDB and sending data to the Bosun to be indexed. For other backends or non-indexed data you have to use lookupSeries instead.

notification default {
    email =

notification JSmith{
    email =

#This will use the JSmith lookup for any alerts where the host tag starts with ny-jsmith
lookup host_base_contact {
    entry host=ny-jsmith* {
        main_contact = JSmith
    entry host=* {
        main_contact = default

alert blah {
    warn = q(...)
    warnNotification = lookup("host_base_contact", "main_contact")
    critNotification = lookup("host_base_contact", "main_contact")

This can also be applied to multiple alerts using Macros:

macro host.based.contacts {
    warnNotification = lookup("host_base_contact", "main_contact")
    critNotification = lookup("host_base_contact", "main_contact")

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow