


How to implement Bukkit plugins in the Scala programming language

Project setup (Scala Eclipse)

Creating a project in scala is very similar to creating one in java. Here is what the entry class should look like:

package com.example.myplugin; //{$TopLevelDomain}.{$Domain}.{$PluginName}

import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
import org.bukkit.command.Command

class PluginName extends JavaPlugin {

  override def onEnable() {


  override def onDisable() {


  override def onCommand(sender: CommandSender, cmd: Command, label: String, args: Array[String]): Boolean = {



First, make sure you have installed the latest Scala version located here: https://www.scala-lang.org/download/

Next, you’ll want to download Scala Eclipse, available here: https://scala-ide.org/ and extract the download to a folder of your choice.

Once these are both installed, simply open Scala Eclipse.

Lastly, in order for your plugin to work - you need to have some sort of runtime plugin to load the scala library for you, I use this one: https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/scala-loader (place this jar in your plugins folder just like any other plugin)

From here on out, the process is almost identical to java:

  1. Press Alt+Shift+N -> click Scala Project
  2. Right-click on your project - click Properties
  3. Click Java Build Path, then click on the Libraries tab
  4. Click Add External Jars, and select your spigot-api jar file
  5. Click Apply and then OK

For the project setup, you’ll want to create a package so:

Right-click on project -> New -> Package

Name it how you’d like, typically: com.yourdomain.pluginname

Inside of this package, create a Scala Class and name it how you’d like, typically: PluginName

Make the class extends JavaPlugin and override the provided functions for a basic setup as shown above.

Lastly, Right-Click on the folder called “src” and select New File. Name the file plugin.yml (NOT the name of your plugin, but explicitly plugin.yml) and open it.

A basic implementation should look like this:

name: PluginName
main: com.example.pluginname.PluginName
version: 0.1

And there you have it! After you’re done writing your plugin, click File -> Export -> Java -> Jar file -> Select your project and specify your server’s pluginfolder as the destination -> click Finish

Typically you can simply reload your server to see the changes after export, however some plugins will break on reload, so be careful! I advise always restarting the server unless you know that reloading will not break other plugins.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow