
Cassandra - PHP

Simple console application

Download the Datastax PHP driver for Apache Cassandra from the Git project site, and follow the installation instructions.

We will be using the “users” table from the KillrVideo app and the Datastax PHP driver. Once you have Cassandra up and running, create the following keyspace and table:

//Create the keyspace
    { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 };

//Use the keyspace
USE killrvideo;

// Users keyed by id
    userid uuid,
    firstname text,
    lastname text,
    email text,
    created_date timestamp,
    PRIMARY KEY (userid)

Create a PHP file with your favorite editor. First, we need to connect to our “killrvideo” keyspace and cluster:

$keyspace  = 'killrvideo';
$session  = $cluster->connect($keyspace);

Let’s insert a user into the “users” table:

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement(
    "INSERT INTO users (userid, created_date, email, firstname, lastname) 
      VALUES (14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d, '2013-01-01 00:00:00', 

Using the Datastax PHP Cassandra driver, we can query the user by userid:

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement
          ("SELECT firstname, lastname, email FROM killrvideo.users
            WHERE userid=14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d"));

foreach ($result as $row) {
    printf("user: \"%s\" \"%s\" email: \"%s\" \n", $row['firstname'],
    $row['lastname'], $row['email']);

For a user to update their email address in the system:

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement
          ("UPDATE users SET email = '' 
            WHERE userid = 14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d"));

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement
          ("SELECT firstname, lastname, email FROM killrvideo.users 
            WHERE userid=14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d"));

foreach ($result as $row) {
    printf("user: \"%s\" \"%s\" email: \"%s\" \n", $row['firstname'], 
    $row['lastname'], $row['email']);

Delete the user from the table and output all of the rows. You’ll notice that the user’s information no longer comes back after being deleted:

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement
          ("DELETE FROM users WHERE userid = 14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d"));

execute(new Cassandra\SimpleStatement
          ("SELECT firstname, lastname, email FROM killrvideo.users 
            WHERE userid=14c532ac-f5ae-479a-9d0a-36604732e01d"));

foreach ($result as $row) {
    printf("user: \"%s\" \"%s\" email: \"%s\" \n", $row['firstname'], 
    $row['lastname'], $row['email']);

The output should look something like this:

user: "Luke" "Tillman" email: "" 
user: "Luke" "Tillman" email: ""


Getting Started with Apache Cassandra and PHP, DataStax Academy

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow