
Play with English word with INFLECTOR helper


Inflector is a very handy helper to change/convert english word to singular, plural, camel case, humanize etc. The helper also help to check whether a word has plural version or not.

Load inflector helper

To use the method of inflector helper, first load the helper like all other helper with the following code:


Make a word singular

Function singular($string), convert a plural word to singular. To get perfect result parameter $string should be a single word. The function will return string.

echo singular("books"); //prints 'book'

Check a word has plural

is_countalbe($string) is use for checking a word has plural form or not. Return type will be boolean means if the given word has plural form it will return true, otherwise will return false.

is_countable('book'); // Returns TRUE

Make a word plural

For getting plural form of any English word the plural($string) function is handy. Like singular($string), the function plural($string) also return string result.

echo plural("book"); //prints 'books'

Camelized the string

Camel Case is the practise of writing compound words or phrases where every word begins with Capital letter, without space between word. The function camelize($string) helps to make a string camelized. It converts a string of words separated by spaces or underscores to camel case.

echo camelize('Mc donald'); //Prints mcDonald

Remove / Add delimiter between words

Remove delimiter

The function humanize($words), takes multiple words separated by underscores and adds spaces for underscores with capitalized each word.

echo humanize('mac_donald'); // Prints 'Mac Donald'

The function can also replace any declared separator/delimiter. In this case, delimiter will be second parameter.

echo humanize('mac-donald','-'); // Prints 'Mac Donald'

echo humanize('mac#donald','#'); // Prints 'Mac Donald'

Add Underscore

On the other hand, underscore($words) function replace the space between words with underscore(_).

echo underscore('Mac Donald'); // Prints 'mac_donald'

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