


Parameter Details
name Value: string, Default: yes
dbtype Value: query/hql, Default: no, Remarks: when left blank, it’s a normal query
datasource Default: no, Remarks: database
params Value: structure, Default: no, Remarks: cfscript syntax only! In cfml they are written inside SLQ stament using <cfqueryparam />

Using cfquery within a Function

<cffunction name="getUserById" access="public" returntype="query">
    <cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="yes" hint="The ID of the user">

    <cfquery name="local.qryGetUser" datasource="DATABASE_NAME">
         SELECT  id,
         FROM    user
         WHERE   id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.userId#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">

    <cfreturn local.qryGetUser>

Query of Query

Function Calls

<!--- Load the user object based on the component path. --->
<cfset local.user = new com.User() />
<cfset local.allUsers = user.getAllUsers()>
<cfset local.specificUser = user.getUserIdFromQry(qry = local.allUsers, userId = 1)>   


    <cffunction name="getAllUsers" access="public" returntype="query">
        <cfquery name="local.qryGetAllUsers" datasource="DATABASE_NAME">
            SELECT  id,
            FROM    user
        <cfreturn local.qryGetAllUsers>     

    <cffunction name="getUserIdFromQry" access="public" returntype="query">
        <cfargument name="qry" type="query" required="Yes" hint="Query to fetch from">
        <cfargument name="userId" type="numeric" required="Yes" hint="The ID of the user">
        <cfquery name="local.qryGetUserIdFromQry" dbtype="query">
            SELECT  id,
            FROM    arguments.qry
            WHERE   id = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.userId#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer">
        <cfreturn local.qryGetUserIdFromQry>     

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