Sign Android build with Cordova 5
Add the build configuration to sign the .apk file
Add a keystore using:
keytool -genkey -v -keystore example.keystore -alias example -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Note: This should be at root of project. Though not a hard requirement, it eases the file referencing
Add a build.json with release/dev configuration for keystore, at the root of project:
{ "android": { "debug": { "keystore": "..\android.keystore", "storePassword": "android", "alias": "mykey1", "password" : "password", "keystoreType": "" }, "release": { "keystore": "..\android.keystore", "storePassword": "", "alias": "mykey2", "password" : "password", "keystoreType": "" } } }
Add the —buildConfig switch to Cordova/ Ionic build command:
cordova build android --release --buildConfig=build.json
or with Ionic as
ionic build android --release --buildConfig=build.json
The signed file will be generated under the new folder structure at