
Getting started with couchdb


Why CouchDB?

CouchDB has a JSON document storage model with a powerful query engine based on a HTTP API.

Using JavaScript in design documents, you have control of ways to query, map, combine, and filter your data. Providing fault tolerance, extreme scalability, and incremental replication, CouchDB is a good choice for a non-relational, document database.

While a traditional relational database requires you to model your data up front, CouchDB’s schema-free design unburdens you with a powerful way to aggregate your data after the fact, just like we do with real-world documents. We’ll look in depth at how to design applications with this underlying storage paradigm.


VersionRelease Date

Installation and Setup


On recent Ubuntu versions, you can install an up-to-date version of CouchDB with sudo apt-get install couchdb. For older versions, such as Ubuntu 14.04, you should run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:couchdb/stable -y
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install couchdb -y


To install couchdb in fedora ryou can do sudo dnf install couchdb

Mac OS X

To install CouchDB on Mac OS X, you can install the Mac app from the CouchDB downloads section.


To install CouchDB on Windows, you can simply download the executable from CouchDB downloads section.

Hello World

By default, CouchDB listens on port 5984. Visiting will yield a response that looks like this:


CouchDB comes out-of-the-box with a GUI called Futon. You can find this interface at Here, you can easily set up an administrator account and configure other important settings.

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