
Caesar cipher


It is the simple shift monoalphabetic classical cipher where each letter is replaced by a letter 3 position (actual Caesar cipher) ahead using the circular alphabetic ordering i.e. letter after Z is A. So when we encode HELLO WORLD, the cipher text becomes KHOORZRUOG.


The Caesar cipher is a classic encryption method. It works by shifting the characters by a certain amount. For example, if we choose a shift of 3, A will become D and E will become H.

The following text has been encrypted using a 23 shift.


Python implementation

The ASCII way

This shifts the characters but doesn’t care if the new character is not a letter. This is good if you want to use punctuation or special characters, but it won’t necessarily give you letters only as an output. For example, “z” 3-shifts to ”}“.

def ceasar(text, shift):
    output = ""
    for c in text:
        output += chr(ord(c) + shift)
    return output


ROT13 is a special case of Caesar cipher, with a 13 shift. Only letters are changed, and white-space and special characters are left as they are.

What is interesting is that ROT13 is a reciprocal cipher : applying ROT13 twice will give you the initial input. Indeed, 2 * 13 = 26, the number of letters in the alphabet.

As ROT13 doesn’t have a key as input parameter it is often seen more as a encoding algorithm or, more specifically, an obfuscation algorithm rather than a cipher.

ROT13 just makes it hard to read messages directly and is therefore often used for offensive messages or puns of jokes. It doesn’t provide any computational security.

A Java implementation for Caesar Cipher

Implementation of the Caesar cipher.

  • This implementation performs the shift operation only on upper and lower case alphabets and retains the other characters (such as space as-is).
  • The Caesar cipher is not secure as per current standards.
  • Below example is for illustrative purposes only !
  • Reference:


 * Implementation of the Caesar cipher.
 * <p>
 * <ul>
 * <li>This implementation performs the shift operation only on upper and lower
 * case alphabets and retains the other characters (such as space as-is).</li>
 * <li>The Caesar cipher is not secure as per current standards.</li>
 * <li>Below example is for illustrative purposes only !</li>
 * <li>Reference:</li>
 * </ul>
 * </p>
 * @author Ravindra HV
 * @author Maarten Bodewes (beautification only)
 * @since 2016-11-21
 * @version 0.3
public class CaesarCipher {

    public static final char START_LOWER_CASE_ALPHABET = 'a'; // ASCII-97
    public static final char END_LOWER_CASE_ALPHABET = 'z';   // ASCII-122

    public static final char START_UPPER_CASE_ALPHABET = 'A'; // ASCII-65
    public static final char END_UPPER_CASE_ALPHABET = 'Z';   // ASCII-90
    public static final int ALPHABET_SIZE = 'Z' - 'A' + 1;    // 26 of course

     * Performs a single encrypt followed by a single decrypt of the Caesar
     * cipher, prints out the intermediate values and finally validates
     * that the decrypted plaintext is identical to the original plaintext.
     * <p>
     * This method outputs the following:
     * <pre>
     * Plaintext  : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
     * Ciphertext : Qeb nrfzh yoltk clu grjmp lsbo qeb ixwv ald
     * Decrypted  : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
     * Successful decryption: true
     * </pre>
     * </p>
     * @param args (ignored)
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        int shift = 23;
        String plainText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
        System.out.println("Plaintext  : " + plainText);
        String ciphertext = caesarCipherEncrypt(plainText, shift);
        System.out.println("Ciphertext : " + ciphertext);
        String decrypted = caesarCipherDecrypt(ciphertext, shift);
        System.out.println("Decrypted  : " + decrypted);
        System.out.println("Successful decryption: "
                + decrypted.equals(plainText));

    public static String caesarCipherEncrypt(String plaintext, int shift) {
        return caesarCipher(plaintext, shift, true);

    public static String caesarCipherDecrypt(String ciphertext, int shift) {
        return caesarCipher(ciphertext, shift, false);

    private static String caesarCipher(
            String input, int shift, boolean encrypt) {

        // create an output buffer of the same size as the input
        StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(input.length());

        for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
            // get the next character
            char inputChar = input.charAt(i);
            // calculate the shift depending on whether to encrypt or decrypt
            int calculatedShift = (encrypt) ? shift : (ALPHABET_SIZE - shift);

            char startOfAlphabet;
            if ((inputChar >= START_LOWER_CASE_ALPHABET)
                    && (inputChar <= END_LOWER_CASE_ALPHABET)) {
                // process lower case
                startOfAlphabet = START_LOWER_CASE_ALPHABET;
            } else if ((inputChar >= START_UPPER_CASE_ALPHABET)
                    && (inputChar <= END_UPPER_CASE_ALPHABET)) {
                // process upper case
                startOfAlphabet = START_UPPER_CASE_ALPHABET;
            } else {
                // retain all other characters
                // and continue with the next character
            // index the input character in the alphabet with 0 as base
            int inputCharIndex =
                    inputChar - startOfAlphabet;

            // cipher / decipher operation (rotation uses remainder operation)
            int outputCharIndex =
                    (inputCharIndex + calculatedShift) % ALPHABET_SIZE;

            // convert the new index in the alphabet to an output character
            char outputChar =
                    (char) (outputCharIndex + startOfAlphabet);

            // add character to temporary-storage

        return output.toString();

Program Output:

Plaintext  : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Ciphertext : Qeb nrfzh yoltk clu grjmp lsbo qeb ixwv ald
Decrypted  : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Successful decryption: true

Python implementation

The following code example implements the Caesar cipher and shows the properties of the cipher.

It handles both uppercase and lowercase alpha-numerical characters, leaving all other characters as they were.

The following properties of the Caesar cipher are shown:

  • weak keys;
  • low key space;
  • the fact that each key has a reciprocal (inverse) key;
  • the relation with ROT13;

it also shows the following - more generic - cryptographic notions:

  • weak keys;
  • the difference between obfuscation (without a key) and encryption;
  • brute forcing a key;
  • the missing integrity of the ciphertext.

def caesarEncrypt(plaintext, shift):
    return caesarCipher(True, plaintext, shift)

def caesarDecrypt(ciphertext, shift):
    return caesarCipher(False, ciphertext, shift)

def caesarCipher(encrypt, text, shift):
    if not shift in range(0, 25):
        raise Exception('Key value out of range')

    output = ""
    for c in text:
        # only encrypt alphanumerical characters
        if c.isalpha():
            # we want to shift both upper- and lowercase characters
            ci = ord('A') if c.isupper() else ord('a')
            # if not encrypting, we're decrypting
            if encrypt:
                output += caesarEncryptCharacter(c, ci, shift)
                output += caesarDecryptCharacter(c, ci, shift)
            # leave other characters such as digits and spaces
            output += c
    return output

def caesarEncryptCharacter(plaintextCharacter, positionOfAlphabet, shift):
    # convert character to the (zero-based) index in the alphabet
    n = ord(plaintextCharacter) - positionOfAlphabet
    # perform the >positive< modular shift operation on the index
    # this always returns a value within the range [0, 25]
    # (note that 26 is the size of the western alphabet)
    x = (n + shift) % 26 # <- the magic happens here
    # convert the index back into a character
    ctc = chr(x + positionOfAlphabet)
    # return the result
    return ctc

def caesarDecryptCharacter(plaintextCharacter, positionOfAlphabet, shift):
    # convert character to the (zero-based) index in the alphabet 
    n = ord(plaintextCharacter) - positionOfAlphabet
    # perform the >negative< modular shift operation on the index
    x = (n - shift) % 26
    # convert the index back into a character
    ctc = chr(x + positionOfAlphabet)
    # return the result
    return ctc

def encryptDecrypt(): 
    print '--- Run normal encryption / decryption'
    plaintext = 'Hello world!'
    key = 3 # the original value for the Caesar cipher
    ciphertext = caesarEncrypt(plaintext, key)
    print ciphertext
    decryptedPlaintext = caesarDecrypt(ciphertext, key)
    print decryptedPlaintext

print '=== Now lets show some cryptographic properties of the Caesar cipher'

def withWeakKey():
    print '--- Encrypting plaintext with a weak key is not a good idea'
    plaintext = 'Hello world!'
    # This is the weakest key of all, it does nothing
    weakKey = 0
    ciphertext = caesarEncrypt(plaintext, weakKey)
    print ciphertext # just prints out the plaintext
def withoutDecrypt():
    print '--- Do we actually need caesarDecrypt at all?'
    plaintext = 'Hello world!'
    key = 3 # the original value for the Caesar cipher
    ciphertext = caesarEncrypt(plaintext, key)
    print ciphertext
    decryptionKey = 26 - key; # reciprocal value
    decryptedPlaintext = caesarEncrypt(ciphertext, decryptionKey)
    print decryptedPlaintext # performed decryption

def punnify():
    print '--- ROT 13 is the Caesar cipher with a given, reciprocal, weak key: 13'
    # The key is weak because double encryption will return the plaintext
    def rot13(pun):
        return caesarEncrypt(pun, 13)

    print 'Q: How many marketing people does it take to change a light bulb?' 
    obfuscated = 'N: V jvyy unir gb trg onpx gb lbh ba gung.'
    print obfuscated
    deobfuscated = rot13(obfuscated)
    print deobfuscated
    # We should not leak the pun, right? Lets obfuscate afterwards!
    obfuscatedAgain = rot13(deobfuscated)
    print obfuscatedAgain

def bruteForceAndLength():
    print '--- Brute forcing is very easy as there are only 25 keys in the range [1..25]'
    # Note that AES-128 has 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 keys
    # and is therefore impossible to bruteforce (if the key is correctly generated)
    key = 10;
    plaintextToFind = 'Hello Maarten!'
    ciphertextToBruteForce = caesarEncrypt(plaintextToFind, key)
    for candidateKey in range(1, 25):
        bruteForcedPlaintext = caesarDecrypt(ciphertextToBruteForce, candidateKey)
        # lets assume the adversary knows 'Hello', but not the name
        if bruteForcedPlaintext.startswith('Hello'):
            print 'key value: ' + str(candidateKey) + ' gives : ' + bruteForcedPlaintext

    print '--- Length of plaintext usually not hidden'
    # Side channel attacks on ciphertext lengths are commonplace! Beware!
    if len(ciphertextToBruteForce) != len('Hello Stefan!'):
        print 'The name is not Stefan (but could be Stephan)'

def manInTheMiddle():
    print '--- Ciphers are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks'
    # Hint: do not directly use a cipher for transport security
    moneyTransfer = 'Give Maarten one euro'
    key = 1
    print moneyTransfer
    encryptedMoneyTransfer = caesarEncrypt(moneyTransfer, key)
    print encryptedMoneyTransfer
    # Man in the middle replaces third word with educated guess
    # (or tries different ciphertexts until success)
    encryptedMoneyTransferWords  = encryptedMoneyTransfer.split(' ');
    encryptedMoneyTransferWords[2] = 'ufo' # unidentified financial object
    modifiedEncryptedMoneyTransfer = ' '.join(encryptedMoneyTransferWords)
    print modifiedEncryptedMoneyTransfer
    decryptedMoneyTransfer = caesarDecrypt(modifiedEncryptedMoneyTransfer, key)
    print decryptedMoneyTransfer

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