
datatables search input box for a realtime search

Search input box for progressive search on the datatable

Below is an example for implementing a Search input box that helps users to search the occurances of a particular value across the datatable.

In the below example, #report is the div id of the div that contains the search input box. This function is called as soon as the user enters a value in this input box. Since there can be many occurances of a single character, we call the actual search function only when more than 1 character is entered in the search box.

     if($(this).data("lastval")!= $(this).val()){
        //change action
        if($('#report').val().length >1 ){ 

In the searchTable function we use the inbuilt datatables function fnFilter to find the matching occurances of the input string. We can restrict the search to a particular column by passing the column index. Here we are passing the column index 2.

function searchTable(inputVal) {
    var dataTable = $("#report_table").dataTable();

If you need to search across all the columns just make sure you do not pass the index parameter.

function searchTable(inputVal) {
    var dataTable = $("#report_table").dataTable();

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