
Creating a service with persistence


  • docker volume create —name <volume_name> # Creates a volume called <volume_name>
  • docker run -v <volume_name>:<mount_point> -d crramirez/limesurvey:latest # Mount the <volume_name> volume in <mount_point> directory in the container


Parameter Details
—name <volume_name> Specify the volume name to be created
-v <volume_name>:<mount_point> Specify where the named volume will be mounted in the container


Persistence is created in docker containers using volumes. Docker have many ways to deal with volumes. Named volumes are very convenient by:

  • They persist even when the container is removed using the -v option.
  • The only way to delete a named volume is doing an explicit call to docker volume rm
  • The named volumes can be shared among container without linking or —volumes-from option.
  • They don’t have permission issues that host mounted volumes have.
  • They can be manipulated using docker volume command.

Persistence with named volumes

Persistence is created in docker containers using volumes. Let’s create a Limesurvey container and persist the database, uploaded content and configuration in a named volume:

docker volume create --name mysql
docker volume create --name upload

docker run -d --name limesurvey -v mysql:/var/lib/mysql -v upload:/app/upload -p 80:80 crramirez/limesurvey:latest

Backup a named volume content

We need to create a container to mount the volume. Then archive it and download the archive to our host.

Let’s create first a data volume with some data:

docker volume create --name=data
echo "Hello World" |  docker run -i --rm=true -v data:/data ubuntu:trusty tee /data/hello.txt

Let’s backup the data:

docker run -d --name backup -v data:/data ubuntu:trusty tar -czvf /tmp/data.tgz /data
docker cp backup:/tmp/data.tgz data.tgz
docker rm -fv backup

Let’s test:

tar -xzvf data.tgz
cat data/hello.txt

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