
Curl Commands


  • curl -X<VERB> ‘<PROTOCOL>://<HOST>:<PORT>/<PATH>?<QUERY_STRING>’ -d ‘<BODY>’

  • Where:

  • VERB: The appropriate HTTP method or verb: GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, or DELETE

  • PROTOCOL: Either http or https (if you have an https proxy in front of Elasticsearch.)

  • HOST: The hostname of any node in your Elasticsearch cluster, or localhost for a node on your local machine.

  • PORT: The port running the Elasticsearch HTTP service, which defaults to 9200.

  • PATH: API Endpoint (for example _count will return the number of documents in the cluster). Path may contain multiple components, such as _cluster/stats or _nodes/stats/jvm

  • QUERY_STRING: Any optional query-string parameters (for example ?pretty will pretty-print the JSON response to make it easier to read.)

  • BODY: A JSON-encoded request body (if the request needs one.)

  • Reference: Talking to Elasticsearch : Elasticsearch Docs

Curl Command for counting number of documents in the cluster

curl -XGET 'https://www.example.com:9200/myIndexName/_count?pretty'


  "count" : 90,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 6,
    "successful" : 6,
    "failed" : 0

The index has 90 documents within it.

Reference Link: Here

Retrieve a document by Id

curl -XGET 'https://www.example.com:9200/myIndexName/myTypeName/1'


    "_index" : "myIndexName",
    "_type" : "myTypeName",
    "_id" : "1",
    "_version" : 1,
    "found": true,
    "_source" : {
        "user" : "mrunal",
        "postDate" : "2016-07-25T15:48:12",
        "message" : "This is test document!"

Reference Link: Here

Create an Index

curl -XPUT 'www.example.com:9200/myIndexName?pretty'


  "acknowledged" : true

Reference Link: Here

List all indices

curl 'www.example.com:9200/_cat/indices?v'


health status index               pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size 
green  open   logstash-2016.07.21   5   1       4760            0      4.8mb          2.4mb 
green  open   logstash-2016.07.20   5   1       7232            0      7.5mb          3.7mb 
green  open   logstash-2016.07.22   5   1      93528            0    103.6mb           52mb 
green  open   logstash-2016.07.25   5   1      20683            0     41.5mb         21.1mb 

Reference Link: Here

Delete an Index

curl -XDELETE 'https://www.example.com:9200/myIndexName?pretty'


  "acknowledged" : true

Reference Link: Here

List all documents in a index

curl -XGET https://www.example.com:9200/myIndexName/_search?pretty=true&q=*:*

This uses the Search API and will return all the entries under index myIndexName.

Reference Link: Here

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