


NPM module that builds Windows installers for Electron apps. It will help to create single EXE for Electron windows application


  • Install Globally
  • npm install -g electron-winstaller
  • Install Locally
  • npm install —save-dev electron-winstaller


Config Name Description
appDirectory The authors value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the author field from your app’s package.json file when unspecified.
owners The owners value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the authors field when unspecified.
exe The name of your app’s main .exe file. This uses the name field in your app’s package.json file with an added .exe extension when unspecified.
description The description value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the description field from your app’s package.json file when unspecified.
version The version value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the version field from your app’s package.json file when unspecified.
title The title value for the nuget package metadata. Defaults to the productName field and then the name field from your app’s package.json file when unspecified.
name Windows Application Model ID (appId). Defaults to the name field in your app’s package.json file.
certificateFile The path to an Authenticode Code Signing Certificate
certificatePassword The password to decrypt the certificate given in certificateFile
signWithParams Params to pass to signtool. Overrides certificateFile and certificatePassword.
iconUrl A URL to an ICO file to use as the application icon (displayed in Control Panel > Programs and Features). Defaults to the Atom icon.
setupIcon The ICO file to use as the icon for the generated Setup.exe
setupExe The name to use for the generated Setup.exe file
setupMsi The name to use for the generated Setup.msi file
noMsi Should Squirrel.Windows create an MSI installer?
remoteReleases A URL to your existing updates. If given, these will be downloaded to create delta updates
remoteToken Authentication token for remote updates

Build JS

Here Is basic build file to build executable from electron windows app.

var electronInstaller = require('electron-winstaller');
var resultPromise = electronInstaller.createWindowsInstaller({
    appDirectory: 'Your_electron_application_path',
    authors: 'Author Name',
    description: "Description"

resultPromise.then(() => console.log("Build Success!"), (e) => console.log(`No dice: ${e.message}`));

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