Entity Framework Core

EF Core vs EF6.x


For latest updates, please refer to: Feature Comparison

Side-by-side comparison

The following table compares the features available(1) in EF Core and EF6.x.

It is intended to give a high level comparison and does not list every feature, or attempt to give details on possible differences between how the same feature works.

Creating a Model EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
Basic modelling (classes, properties, etc.) Yes Yes
Conventions Yes Yes
Custom conventions Yes Partial
Data annotations Yes Yes
Fluent API Yes Yes
Inheritance: Table per hierarchy (TPH) Yes Yes
Inheritance: Table per type (TPT) Yes
Inheritance: Table per concrete class (TPC) Yes
Shadow state properties Yes
Alternate keys Yes
Many-to-many: With join entity Yes Yes
Many-to-many: Without join entity Yes
Key generation: Database Yes Yes
Key generation: Client Yes
Complex/value types Yes
Spatial data Yes
Graphical visualization of model Yes
Graphical drag/drop editor Yes
Model format: Code Yes Yes
Model format: EDMX (XML) Yes
Reverse engineer model from database: Command line Yes
Reverse engineer model from database: VS wizard Yes
Incremental update model from database Yes
Querying Data EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
LINQ: Simple queries Stable Stable
LINQ: Moderate queries Stable Stabilizing
LINQ: Complex queries Stable In-Progress
LINQ: Queries using navigation properties Stable In-Progress
“Pretty” SQL generation Poor Yes
Mixed client/server evaluation Yes
Loading related data: Eager Yes Yes
Loading related data: Lazy Yes
Loading related data: Explicit Yes
Raw SQL queries: Model types Yes Yes
Raw SQL queries: Un-mapped types Yes
Raw SQL queries: Composing with LINQ Yes
Saving Data EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
SaveChanges Yes Yes
Change tracking: Snapshot Yes Yes
Change tracking: Notification Yes Yes
Accessing tracked state Yes Partial
Optimistic concurrency Yes Yes
Transactions Yes Yes
Batching of statements Yes
Stored procedure Yes
Detached graph support (N-Tier): Low level APIs Poor Yes
Detached graph support (N-Tier): End-to-end Poor
Other Features EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
Migrations Yes Yes
Database creation/deletion APIs Yes Yes
Seed data Yes
Connection resiliency Yes
Lifecycle hooks (events, command interception, …) Yes
Database Providers EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
SQL Server Yes Yes
MySQL Yes Paid only, unpaid coming soon (2)
PostgreSQL Yes Yes
Oracle Yes Paid only, unpaid coming soon (2)
SQLite Yes Yes
SQL Compact Yes Yes
DB2 Yes Yes
InMemory (for testing) Yes
Azure Table Storage Prototype
Redis Prototype
Application Models EF6.x EF Core 1.0.0
WinForms Yes Yes
WPF Yes Yes
Console Yes Yes
ASP.NET Core Yes
Xamarin Coming soon (3)


(1) : As of 2016/10/18

(2) : Paid providers are available, unpaid providers are being worked on. The teams working on the unpaid providers have not shared public details of timeline etc.

(3) : EF Core is built to work on Xamarin when support for .NET Standard is enabled in Xamarin.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow