Erlang Language



While an Erlang string is a list of integers, an “iolist” is a list whose elements are either integers, binaries or other iolists, e.g. ["foo", $b, $a, $r, <<"baz">>]. That iolist represents the string "foobarbaz".

While you can convert an iolist to a binary with iolist_to_binary/1, you often don’t need to, since Erlang library functions such as file:write_file/2 and gen_tcp:send/2 accept iolists as well as strings and binaries.


  • -type iolist() :: maybe_improper_list(byte() | binary() | iolist(), binary() | []).


What is an iolist?

It’s any binary. Or any list containing integers between 0 and 255. Or any arbitrarily nested list containing either of those two things.

Original article

Use deeply nested lists of integers and binaries to represent IO data to avoid copying when concatenating strings or binaries.

They are efficient even when combining large amounts of data. For example combining two fifty kilobyte binaries using binary syntax <<B1/binary, B2/binary>> would typically require reallocating both into a new 100kb binary. Using IO lists [B1, B2] only allocates the list, in this case three words. A list uses one word and another word per element, see here for more information.

Using the ++ operator would have created a whole new list, instead of just a new two element list. Recreating lists to add elements to the end can become expensive when the list is long.

In cases where the binary data is small, allocating IO lists can be greater than appending the binaries. If the binary data can either be small or large it is often better to accept the consistent cost of IO lists.

Note that appending binaries is optimised as described here. In short, a binary can have extra, hidden space allocated. This will be filled if another binary is appended to it that fits in the free space. This means that not every binary append will cause a full copy of both binaries.

IO lists are typically used to build output to a port e.g. a file or network socket.

file:write_file("myfile.txt", ["Hi " [<<"there">>], $\n]).

Add the allowed data types to the front of an IO list, creating a new one.

["Guten Tag " | [<<"Hello">>]].
[<<"Guten Tag ">> | [<<"Hello">>]].
[$G, $u, $t, $e, $n , $T, $a, $g | [<<"Hello">>]].

IO data can be efficiently added to the end of a list.

Data_1 = [<<"Hello">>].
Data_2 = [Data_1,<<" Guten Tag ">>].

Be careful with improper lists

["Guten tag " | <<"Hello">>].

In the shell this will be printed as ["Guten tag "|<<"Hello">>] instead of ["Guten tag ",<<"Hello">>]. The pipe operator will create an improper list if the last element on the right is not a list. While an improper list whose “tail” is a binary is still a valid iolist, improper lists can cause issues because many recursive functions expect an empty list to be the last element, and not, as in this case a binary.

Get IO list size

Data = ["Guten tag ",<<"Hello">>],
Len = iolist_size(Data),
[<<Len:32>> | Data].

The size of an iolist can be calculated using the iolist_size/1. This snippet calculates the size of a message and creates and appends it to the front as a four byte binary. This is a typical operation in messaging protocols.

IO list can be converted to a binary

<<"Guten tag, Hello">> = iolist_to_binary(["Guten tag, ",<<"Hello">>]).

An IO list can be converted to a binary using the iolist_to_binary/1 function. If the data is going to be stored for a long period or sent as a message to other processes then it may make sense to convert it to a binary. The one off cost of converting to a binary can be cheaper than copying the IO list many times, in garbage collection of a single process or in message passing to others.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow