
Locating duplicate values in a range


At certain points, you will be evaluating a range of data and you will need to locate the duplicates in it. For bigger data sets, there are a number of approaches you can take that use either VBA code or conditional functions. This example uses a simple if-then condition within two nested for-next loops to test whether each cell in the range is equal in value to any other cell in the range.

Find duplicates in a range

The following tests range A2 to A7 for duplicate values. Remark: This example illustrates a possible solution as a first approach to a solution. It’s faster to use an array than a range and one could use collections or dictionaries or xml methods to check for duplicates.

    Sub find_duplicates()
' Declare variables
  Dim ws     As Worksheet               ' worksheet
  Dim cell   As Range                   ' cell within worksheet range
  Dim n      As Integer                 ' highest row number
  Dim bFound As Boolean                 ' boolean flag, if duplicate is found
  Dim sFound As String: sFound = "|"    ' found duplicates
  Dim s      As String                  ' message string
  Dim s2     As String                  ' partial message string
' Set Sheet to memory
  Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Duplicates")

  For Each cell In ws.Range("A2:A7")
    bFound = False: s2 = ""             ' start each cell with empty values
 '  Check if first occurrence of this value as duplicate to avoid further searches
    If InStr(sFound, "|" & cell & "|") = 0 Then
      For n = cell.Row + 1 To 7           ' iterate starting point to avoid REDUNDANT SEARCH
        If cell = ws.Range("A" & n).Value Then
           If cell.Row <> n Then        ' only other cells, as same cell cannot be a duplicate
                 bFound = True             ' boolean flag
              '  found duplicates in cell A{n}
                 s2 = s2 & vbNewLine & " -> duplicate in A" & n
           End If
        End If
     End If
   ' notice all found duplicates
     If bFound Then
         ' add value to list of all found duplicate values
         ' (could be easily split to an array for further analyze)
           sFound = sFound & cell & "|"
           s = s & cell.Address & " (value=" & cell & ")" & s2 & vbNewLine & vbNewLine
     End If
' Messagebox with final result
  MsgBox "Duplicate values are " & sFound & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & s, vbInformation, "Found duplicates"
End Sub

Depending on your needs, the example can be modified - for instance, the upper limit of n can be the row value of last cell with data in the range, or the action in case of a True If condition can be edited to extract the duplicate value somewhere else. However, the mechanics of the routine would not change.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow