
git send-email


  • git send-email [options] <file|directory|rev-list options>…​
  • git send-email —dump-aliases


Use git send-email with Gmail

Background: if you work on a project like the Linux kernel, rather than make a pull request you will need to submit your commits to a listserv for review. This entry details how to use git-send email with Gmail.

Add the following to your .gitconfig file:

    smtpserver =
    smtpencryption = tls
    smtpserverport = 587
    smtpuser =

Then on the web: Go to Google -> My Account -> Connected Apps & Sites -> Allow less secure apps -> Switch ON

To create a patch set:

git format-patch HEAD~~~~ --subject-prefix="PATCH <project-name>"

Then send the patches to a listserv:

git send-email --annotate --to 00*.patch

To create and send updated version (version 2 in this example) of the patch:

git format-patch -v 2 HEAD~~~~  ......
git send-email --to v2-00*.patch


—from * Email From: —[no-]to * Email To: —[no-]cc * Email Cc: —[no-]bcc * Email Bcc: —subject * Email “Subject:” —in-reply-to * Email “In-Reply-To:” —[no-]xmailer * Add “X-Mailer:” header (default). —[no-]annotate * Review each patch that will be sent in an editor. —compose * Open an editor for introduction. —compose-encoding * Encoding to assume for introduction. —8bit-encoding * Encoding to assume 8bit mails if undeclared —transfer-encoding * Transfer encoding to use (quoted-printable, 8bit, base64)

Sending patches by mail

Suppose you’ve got a lot of commit against a project (here ulogd2, official branch is git-svn) and that you wan to send your patchset to the Mailling list To do so, just open a shell at the root of the git directory and use:

git format-patch --stat -p --raw --signoff  --subject-prefix="ULOGD PATCH" -o /tmp/ulogd2/ -n git-svn
git send-email --compose --no-chain-reply-to --to /tmp/ulogd2/

First command will create a serie of mail from patches in /tmp/ulogd2/ with statistic report and second will start your editor to compose an introduction mail to the patchset. To avoid awful threaded mail series, one can use :

git config sendemail.chainreplyto false


This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow