
Client calls to Google apps-script


Google appscript runs well as a stand alone platform and in the addon format for Google docs, sheets and forms. However, there are times when a client browser may need to call to a Google app to perform some action.

Therefore, Google introduced client side requests to Google apps-scripts. To solve this problem, Google introduced the client side libraries

This is an example of a client side call to a Google app-script

<script src=""></script>
function start() {
 // 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library.
'apiKey': 'YOUR_API_KEY',
// clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required.
'clientId': '',
'scope': 'profile',
}).then(function() {
// 3. Initialize and make the API request.
return gapi.client.request({
  'path': '',
 }).then(function(response) {
}, function(reason) {
console.log('Error: ' + reason.result.error.message);
// 1. Load the JavaScript client library.
 gapi.load('client', start);

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