

Parameter Details
Response status 401 if the origin server requires authentication, 407 if an intermediate proxy requires authentication
Response headers WWW-Authenticate by the origin server, Proxy-Authenticate by an intermediate proxy
Request headers Authorization for authorization against an origin server, Proxy-Authorization against an intermediate proxy
Authentication scheme Basic for Basic Authentication, but others such as Digest and SPNEGO can be used. See the HTTP Authentication Schemes Registry.
Realm A name of the protected space on the server; a server can have multiple such spaces, each with a distinct name and authentication mechanisms.
Credentials For Basic: username and password separated by a colon, base64-encoded; for example, username:password base64-encoded is dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=
## Remarks#
Basic Authentication is defined in RFC2617. It can be used to authenticate against the origin server after receiving a 401 Unauthorized as well as against a proxy server after a 407 (Proxy Authentication Required). In the (decoded) credentials, the password starts after the first colon. Therefore the username cannot contain a colon, but the password can.
## HTTP Basic Authentication
HTTP Basic Authentication provides a straightforward mechanism for authentication. Credentials are sent in plain text, and so is insecure by default. Successful authentication proceeds as follows.

The client requests a page for which access is restricted:

GET /secret

The server responds with status code 401 Unauthorized and requests the client to authenticate:

401 Unauthorized
WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Secret Page"

The client sends the Authorization header. The credentials are username:password base64 encoded:

GET /secret
Authorization: Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ=

The server accepts the credentials and responds with the page content:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

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