
Ionic Cloud for Yeoman Ionic Projects

Ionic Platform (Ionic Cloud) for Yo (Yeoman) Ionic Projects

Ionic Platform:

Build, push, deploy, and scale your Ionic apps, the easy way.

Title Description:

The Ionic Platform is a cloud platform for managing and scaling cross-platform mobile apps. Integrated services enable you and your team to build, deploy, and grow your apps efficiently.

Document Objective:
Ionic Platform works well with the standard Ionic projects. But projects following any Non-standard Directory Structure may face a few hurdles. This documents provides the steps to use Ionic Platform in the Ionic projects created using Yeoman.

Document Scope:
This document covers the basic steps for creating an Ionic project using Yeoman and integrating it with Ionic Platform using the Ionic Platform Web Client. This document covers the basic steps to utilize Ionic Deploy, Ionic Analytics and Ionic Push.

Intended Audience:
The intended audience for this document is Web/Mobile App developers, with both beginner and expert level expertise, who are familiar with the below Prerequisites.

You should be familiar with the following frameworks/tools before trying this document.

Ionic Framework generator

A generator for the Ionic Framework from Yeoman, the Web’s Scaffolding tool for modern webapps

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. npm is the package manager for JavaScript. Download and install Node (and npm) from

$ npm install npm –g
$ npm install -g yo

Yeoman helps you to kick-start new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive.

$ yo ionic [app-name]

In package.json include the following in devDependencies

"grunt-string-replace": "^1.2.1"

In bower.json include the following in dependencies

"ionic-platform-web-client": "^0.7.1"

In Gruntfile.js change the scripts folder to ‘js’. Change in index.html too if required.

grunt.initConfig({   yeoman: {…………
    scripts: 'js',
    ………… } })

Then run

$ bower install && npm install
$ grunt
$ grunt serve

$ cordova platform add android 
$ grunt build:android --debug


A web client that provides interactions with the Ionic platform.

We need some code to let your app talk to the Ionic Platform. We need to add the Ionic platform web client for the Ionic app to interface with the plugins and the platform.

$ ionic io init

In your app.js add the ‘ionic.service.core’ module dependency. In Gruntfile.js add the grunt task ‘ionicSettings’ as given below.

ionicSettings: JSON.stringify(grunt.file.readJSON('./.io-config.json')),

ionicIoBundlePath: 'www/bower_components/ionic-platform-web-client/dist/',

'string-replace': {
  ionicSettings: {
    files: {
      '<%= ionicIoBundlePath %>': '<%= ionicIoBundlePath %>',
    options: {
      replacements: [
        '"IONIC_SETTINGS_STRING_START";var settings =<%= ionicSettings %>; return { get: function(setting) { if (settings[setting]) { return settings[setting]; } return null; } };"IONIC_SETTINGS_STRING_END";'
       copy: {
                expand: true,
                cwd: 'app/bower_components/ionic-platform-web-client/dist/',
                src: ['**'],
                dest: 'www/bower_components/ionic-platform-web-client/dist'

grunt.registerTask('ionicSettings', ['copy:ionicPlatform','string-replace:ionicSettings']);


Add the ‘ionicSettings’ in init and compress tasks after copy. In index.html move the below