
Jenkins Groovy Scripting

Create default user

  1. Create groovy file by path $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/basic-security.groovy

In Ubuntu 16 Jenkins home directory places in /var/lib/jenkins

  1. Place in file next code


    import jenkins.model.* import*

    def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()

    def hudsonRealm = new HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm(false)

    hudsonRealm.createAccount(“admin_name”,“admin_password”) instance.setSecurityRealm(hudsonRealm)

  2. Restart Jenkins service

  3. After Jenkins starts you need to remove $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/basic-security.groovy file

Disable Setup Wizard

  1. Open Jenkins default config file and add in JAVA_ARGS next key -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false

In Ubuntu 16 default file places in /etc/default/jenkins

  1. Create groovy file by path $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/basic-security.groovy

In Ubuntu 16 Jenkins home directory places in /var/lib/jenkins

  1. Place in file next code

import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.util.*;
import jenkins.install.*;

def instance = Jenkins.getInstance()

  1. Restart Jenkins service
  2. After Jenkins starts you need remove $JENKINS_HOME/init.groovy.d/basic-security.groovy file

After this Jenkins doesn`t ask you to confirm that you are admin and you will not see plugins install page.

How to get infromation about Jenkins instance

Open your jenkins instance script console https://yourJenkins:port/script following is an example for how to get information about this instance. copy the code to the console and click “Run”.

/* This scripts shows how to get basic information about Jenkins instance */
def jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
println "Jenkins version: ${jenkins.getVersion()}"
println "Available JDKs: ${jenkins.getInstance().getJDKs()}"
println "Connected Nodes:"
  println it.displayName
println "Configured labels: ${jenkins.getLabels()}"

In this example you will see information about the Jenkins version, JDKs, agents(slaves) and labels.

How to get information about a Jenkins job

Open your jenkins instance script console https://yourJenkins:port/script following is an example for how to get information about a sepcific job. copy the code to the console, change the jobName to the required job and click “Run”.

/*This script shows how to get basic information about a job and its builds*/
def jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance()
def jobName = "myJob"
def job = jenkins.getItem(jobName)

println "Job type: ${job.getClass()}"
println "Is building: ${job.isBuilding()}"
println "Is in queue: ${job.isInQueue()}"
println "Last successfull build: ${job.getLastSuccessfulBuild()}"
println "Last failed build: ${job.getLastFailedBuild()}"
println "Last build: ${job.getLastBuild()}"
println "All builds: ${job.getBuilds().collect{ it.getNumber()}}"

first we get the Jenkins instance object, then using this instance we get the job object (item). from the job object we can get different information such as: is it currently building, is it in the queue, the last build, last build by status, and a lot more.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow