Stringify - Convert JSON to string


Param Details
Object (Object) The JSON object
Replacer (Function | Array<string | number> - optiotinal) filter Function | Array
Space (Number | string - optional) Amount of white space in the JSON

Convert simple JSON object to simple string

var JSONObject = {
   stringProp: 'stringProp',
   booleanProp: false,
   intProp: 8

var JSONString = JSON.stringify(JSONObject);
/* output 
 * {"stringProp":"stringProp","booleanProp":false,"intProp":8} 

Stringify with filter

var JSONObject = {
   stringProp: 'stringProp',
   booleanProp: false,
   intProp: 8

var JSONString = JSON.stringify(JSONObject, ['intProp']);
/* output 
 * {"intProp":8} 

Stringify with white-space

var JSONObject = {
   stringProp: 'stringProp',
   booleanProp: false,
   intProp: 8

var JSONString = JSON.stringify(JSONObject, null, 2);
/* output:
 *  {
 *    "stringProp": "stringProp",
 *    "booleanProp": false,
 *    "intProp": 8
 *   }

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