- php artisan [command] [options] [arguments]
Command | Description |
clear-compiled | Remove the compiled class file |
down | Put the application into maintenance mode |
env | Display the current framework environment |
help | Displays help for a command |
list | Lists commands |
migrate | Run the database migrations |
optimize | Optimize the framework for better performance |
serve | Serve the application on the PHP development server |
tinker | Interact with your application |
up | Bring the application out of maintenance mode |
app:name | Set the application namespace |
auth:clear-resets | Flush expired password reset tokens |
cache:clear | Flush the application cache |
cache:table | Create a migration for the cache database table |
config:cache | Create a cache file for faster configuration loading |
config:clear | Remove the configuration cache file |
db:seed | Seed the database with records |
event:generate | Generate the missing events and listeners based on registration |
key:generate | Set the application key |
make:auth | Scaffold basic login and registration views and routes |
make:console | Create a new Artisan command |
make:controller | Create a new controller class |
make:event | Create a new event class |
make:job | Create a new job class |
make:listener | Create a new event listener class |
make:middleware | Create a new middleware class |
make:migration | Create a new migration file |
make:model | Create a new Eloquent model class |
make:policy | Create a new policy class |
make:provider | Create a new service provider class |
make:request | Create a new form request class |
make:seeder | Create a new seeder class |
make:test | Create a new test class |
migrate:install | Create the migration repository |
migrate:refresh | Reset and re-run all migrations |
migrate:reset | Rollback all database migrations |
migrate:rollback | Rollback the last database migration |
migrate:status | Show the status of each migration |
queue:failed | List all of the failed queue jobs |
queue:failed-table | Create a migration for the failed queue jobs database table |
queue:flush | Flush all of the failed queue jobs |
queue:forget | Delete a failed queue job |
queue:listen | Listen to a given queue |
queue:restart | Restart queue worker daemons after their current job |
queue:retry | Retry a failed queue job |
queue:table | Create a migration for the queue jobs database table |
queue:work | Process the next job on a queue |
route:cache | Create a route cache file for faster route registration |
route:clear | Remove the route cache file |
route:list | List all registered routes |
schedule:run | Run the scheduled commands |
session:table | Create a migration for the session database table |
vendor:publish | Publish any publishable assets from vendor packages |
view:clear | Clear all compiled view files |
## Introduction | |
Artisan is a utility that can help you do specific repetitive tasks with bash commands. It covers many tasks, including: working with database migrations and seeding, clearing cache, creating necessary files for Authentication setup, making new controllers, models, event classes, and a lot more. |
Artisan is the name of the command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application.
To view a list of all available Artisan commands, you may use the list command:
php artisan list
To know more about the any available command, just precede its name with help keyword:
php artisan help [command-name]
List all registered routes filtered by multiple methods
php artisan route:list --method=GET --method=POST
This will include all routes that accept GET
and POST
methods simultaneously.
Running Laravel Artisan commands using PHP code
You can also use Laravel Artisan commands from your routes or controllers.
To run a command using PHP code:
For example,
Creating and registering new artisan command
You can create new commands via
php artisan make:command [commandName]
So this will create [commandName] command class inside app/Console/Commands
inside this class you will find protected $signature
and protected $description
variables, it represents name and discription of your command
which will be used to describe your command.
after creating command you can register your command inside app/Console/Kernel.php
class where you will find commands
so you can add your command inside the $command array like :
protected $commands = [
and then i can use my command via console.
so as example i have named my command like
protected $signature = 'test:command';
So whenever i will run
php artisan test:command
it will call the handle
method inside the class having signature test:command