

List running service on Ubuntu

To get a list of the service on your system, you may run:

service --status-all

The output of service --status-all lists the state of services controlled by System V.

The + indicates the service is running, - indicates a stopped service. You can see this by running service SERVICENAME status for a + and - service.

Some services are managed by Upstart. You can check the status of all Upstart services with sudo initctl list. Any service managed by Upstart will also show in the list provided by service —status-all but will be marked with a ?.


Systemd service management

Listing services

  • systemctl To list running services
  • systemctl --failed To list failed services

Managing Targets (Similar to Runlevels in SysV)

  • systemctl get-default To find the default target for your system
  • systemctl set-default <target-name> To set the default target for your system

Managing services at runtime

  • systemctl start [service-name] To start a service
  • systemctl stop [service-name] To stop a service
  • systemctl restart [service-name] To restart a service
  • systemctl reload [service-name] To request service to reload its configuration
  • systemctl status [service-name] To show current status of a service

Managing autostart of services

  • systemctl is-enabled [service-name] To show whether a service is enabled on system boot
  • systemctl is-active [service-name] To show whether a service is currently active(running)
  • systemctl enable [service-name] To enable a service on system boot
  • systemctl disable [service-name] To disable a service on system boot

Masking services

  • systemctl mask [service-name] To mask a service (Makes it hard to start a service by mistake)
  • systemctl unmask [service-name] To unmask a service

Restarting systemd

systemctl daemon-reload

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