
For loops


  • for(init; condition; increment){ content_code(); } // general syntax
  • for(int i = 0; i < numberRuns; ++i){ actions_with(i); } // run an action for a numberRuns times
  • for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(array); ++i){ actions_with(array[i]); } // iteration over an array

General for loop

Most programming languages support the for-loop control structure.

It is generally implemented in this way:

for(init; condition; increment){

The above pseudocode is identical with the pseudocode below:

    goto start_loop;

This shows that:

  • init is run before the loop, used to initialize things for running that loop
    • In some programming languages like Java, variables can be declared in init, and the scope of the declared variables will be limited to that loop.
  • condition is a condition to determine when the loop can be run. If this evaluates to false, the loop will stop executing.
  • increment is usually a statement used to manipulate parameters used in condition, so when increment is run a certain number of times, condition becomes false and the loop breaks.
  • content_code() is the core code to be run within the loop.

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