

Atx-Style Headers

Text prefixed with one to six pound signs (hash symbols, #) becomes a header <h1> through <h6>, according to how many pound signs were used.

# This is a first-level (`<h1>`) header
## This is a second-level (`<h2>`) header
### And so on.

This is a first-level (<h1>) header

This is a second-level (<h2>) header

And so on.

Atx-style headers may be optionally closed by adding trailing pound signs, which are ignored.

### This is a header with some trailing hashes ###

This is a header with some trailing hashes

At present Stack Exchange’s flavor of markdown only seems to support up to three header levels (###), though Markdown supports all the way up to 6.

Setext-Style Headers

To create a first-level (<h1>) header, use the equal sign (=) in a line under your text:

All About Dogs

All About Dogs

Use hyphens (-) for second-level (<h2>) headers:

The Debut Novel

The Debut Novel

The line below the header can be of any length.

Another header

Another header

Another header

Another header

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow