
Verify method calls

Simple method call verification

One can verify whether a method was called on a mock by using Mockito.verify().

Original mock = Mockito.mock(Original.class);
String param1 = "Expected param value";
int param2 = 100; // Expected param value

//Do something with mock

//Verify if mock was used properly
Mockito.verify(mock).methodWithParameters(param1, param2);

Verify order of calls

In some cases it may not suffice to know whether more that one methods were called. The calling order of methods is also important. In such case you may use InOrder class of Mockito to verify the order of methods.

SomeClass mock1 = Mockito.mock(SomeClass.class);
otherClass mock2 = Mockito.mock(OtherClass.class);

// Do something with mocks

InOrder order = Mockito.inOrder(mock1, mock2)
order.verify(mock2).secondMethod(withParam1, withParam2);

The InOrder.verify() works same as Mockito.verify() all other aspects.

Verify call arguments using ArgumentCaptor

ArgumentCaptor will to receive the actual invocation arguments that has been passed to method.

ArgumentCaptor<Foo> captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Foo.class);
Foo invocationArg = captor.getValue();
//do any assertions on invocationArg

For cases of multiple invocations of mocked method to receive all invocation arguments

List<Foo> invocationArgs = captor.getAllValues();

The same approach is used for capturing varargs.

Also there is possibility to create ArgumentCaptor using @Captor annotation:

private ArgumentCaptor<Foo> captor;

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