
Directives provided by mod-rewrite in Apache 2.4


  • RewriteBase URL-path
  • RewriteCond TestString CondPattern
  • RewriteEngine on|off
  • RewriteMap MapName MapType:MapSource
  • RewriteOptions Options
  • RewriteRule Pattern Substitution [flags]

List of directives available in Apache 2.4

Apache 2.4 provides the following 6 directives via the mod_rewrite module:

  1. RewriteBase
  2. RewriteCond
  3. RewriteEngine
  4. RewriteMap
  5. RewriteOptions
  6. RewriteRule

The following directives, available previously in Apache 2.2 have been removed:

  1. RewriteLock
  2. RewriteLog
  3. RewriteLogLevel

All the directives (with the exception of RewriteMap) defined by mod_rewrite can be allowed to override on a per-directory .htaccess through the AllowOverride FileInfo.

Directive Context Description
RewriteBase directory, .htaccess Sets base URL for per directory rewrite
RewriteCond Everywhere Defines conditions under which the rewrite action will occur
RewriteEngine Everywhere Sets status of rewrite engine
RewriteMap server config, virtual host Defines a key lookup function
RewriteOptions Everywhere Sets special options for rewrite engine
RewriteRule Everywhere Defines specific rules for rewrite engine

The context Everwhere means that the directive can be defined in any of the following four locations:

  1. server config
  2. virtual host config
  3. directory context
  4. .htaccess file

The RewriteLog and RewriteLogLevel directives have been merged with the global LogLevel directive and would be used as:

LogLevel rewrite:<level>

where <level> is a value from trace8 (least significant) to emerg (most significant). This list is available here.

RewriteBase and RewriteEngine

Directive Default Context Description
RewriteBase None Directory, .htaccess Sets base URL for per directory rewrite
RewriteEngine off everywhere Enable or disable runtime rewrite engine


The directive specifies URL prefix to be used for substituting relative paths.


The directive, if set to off, will perform no runtime rewrite processing. These rules are not inherited by the virtual hosts (from server config), and will have to be defined individually.


The directive defines a function which’ll lookup a key in the defined map and substitutes the lookup with its replacement from the map.

The mapping function is defined with the RewriteMap directive itself as follows:

RewriteMap MAPNAME Type:Source

and can be referenced in any of the RewriteCond or RewriteRule directives to act as a substitution guide as follows:


The following are valid values for Type in the map definition:

  1. int - allows toupper, tolower, escape and unescape only
  2. txt - searches a text file
  3. dbd - looks up in a database using SQL SELECT statement
  4. rnd - random lookups from text file
  5. dbm - similar to txt, except that the httxt2dbm needs to convert the data to hashes
  6. fastdbd - looks up in a database using SQL SELECT statement with caching

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow