
Connection to MySQL Database Using Anypoint Studio (Mule)


Am new to Mule and wanted to share how to connect to Database and retrieve Values.

Example to retrieve Rows from Table in MySQL

Required External Jar: mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar to connect to Data Base. Add this jar by right clicking the project —>Build Path—> Add external Archieve. Create the Flow as Flowing

enter image description here

2) Database Connector Configuration: Select MySQL as your database by double clicking the Database connector and fill all the details as mentioned. After that Click Test Connection which will give Connection Successfull…

In Query: Select * from where test is my schema and Contact is my table name.

enter image description here

3)Object to JSON: Drag Object to JSON connector and leave it as it is without any modifications.

4)Set Payload: Drag the Set Payload connector and set the value attribute to #[payload]

enter image description here Final Step: Deploye the code and run as https://localhost:8089/test

8089 is my port number.. whatever yours u need to give that.

When you run you can see the following output in Json Format

Select Rows from MySQL Data Base in Anypoint Studio(Mule)

Step1 Message Flow: enter image description here

Step 2: Databse Connector Configuration

For this you need mysql-connector-java-5.1.40-bin.jar . Right click on Project —>build Path—> Add external archieve and add the jar(without jar it cannot be connected) Enter all the values correctly mentioned below screenshot. Then Click Test connection and should show connection successful

Query: select * from

where test =Schema name or database name and contact is table name. enter image description here

3) XML view

Use Object to JSON connector and leave the fields as it is

Use setpayload connector and enter the VALUE attribute as #[payload]

enter image description here

Final Step: Deploye the project , run as mule application. After running.. run the url either in POSTMAN or Chrome. https://localhost:8089/test

8089 is my local port. Whatever u mention run with that port.

[![enter image description here][4]][4]

Finally the Values are displayed in JSON format. Try to run Different Queries.

Am new to Mule. Found informative and posting it. 1: 2: 3: [4]:

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