Indexes and Keys


  • — Create simple index

    CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name1 [, column_name2, …])

  • — Create unique index

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name(column_name1 [, column_name2, …]

  • — Drop index

    DROP INDEX index_name ON tbl_name [algorithm_option | lock_option] …

    algorithm_option: ALGORITHM [=] {DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY}




An index in a MySQL table works like an index in a book.

Let’s say you have a book about databases and you want to find some information about, say, storage. Without an index (assuming no other aid, such as a table of contents) you’d have to go through the pages one by one, until you found the topic (that’s a “full table scan”). On the other hand, an index has a list of keywords, so you’d consult the index and see that storage is mentioned on pages 113-120, 231, and 354. Then you could flip to those pages directly, without searching (that’s a search with an index, somewhat faster).

Of course, the usefulness of the index depends on many things - a few examples, using the simile above:

  • If you had a book on databases and indexed the word “database”, you might see that it’s mentioned on pages 1-59, 61-290, and 292-400. That’s a lot of pages, and in such a case, the index is not much help and it might be faster to go through the pages one by one. (In a database, this is “poor selectivity”.)
  • For a 10-page book, it makes no sense to make an index, as you may end up with a 10-page book prefixed by a 5-page index, which is just silly - just scan the 10 pages and be done with it.
  • The index also needs to be useful - there’s generally no point to indexing, for example, the frequency of the letter “L” per page.

Create index

-- Create an index for column 'name' in table 'my_table'
CREATE INDEX idx_name ON my_table(name);

Create unique index

A unique index prevents the insertion of duplicated data in a table. NULL values can be inserted in the columns that form part of the unique index (since, by definition, a NULL value is different from any other value, including another NULL value)

-- Creates a unique index for column 'name' in table 'my_table'
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_name ON my_table(name);

Drop index

-- Drop an index for column 'name' in table 'my_table'
DROP INDEX idx_name ON my_table;

Create composite index

This will create a composite index of both keys, mystring and mydatetime and speed up queries with both columns in the WHERE clause.

CREATE INDEX idx_mycol_myothercol ON my_table(mycol, myothercol)

Note: The order is important! If the search query does not include both columns in the WHERE clause, it can only use the leftmost index. In this case, a query with mycol in the WHERE will use the index, a query searching for myothercol without also searching for mycol will not. For more information check out this blog post.

Note: Due to the way BTREE’s work, columns that are usually queried in ranges should go in the rightmost value. For example, DATETIME columns are usualy queried like WHERE datecol > '2016-01-01 00:00:00'. BTREE indexes handle ranges very efficiently but only if the column being queried as a range is the last one in the composite index.


    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    ...  );

Main notes:

  • Starts with 1 and increments by 1 automatically when you fail to specify it on INSERT, or specify it as NULL.
  • The ids are always distinct from each other, but…
  • Do not make any assumptions (no gaps, consecutively generated, not reused, etc) about the values of the id other than being unique at any given instant.

Subtle notes:

  • On restart of server, the ‘next’ value is ‘computed’ as MAX(id)+1.
  • If the last operation before shutdown or crash was to delete the highest id, that id may be reused (this is engine-dependent). So, do not trust auto_increments to be permanently unique; they are only unique at any moment.
  • For multi-master or clustered solutions, see auto_increment_offset and auto_increment_increment.
  • It is OK to have something else as the PRIMARY KEY and simply do INDEX(id). (This is an optimization in some situations.)
  • Using the AUTO_INCREMENT as the ”PARTITION key” is rarely beneficial; do something different.
  • Various operations may “burn” values. This happens when they pre-allocate value(s), then don’t use them: INSERT IGNORE (with dup key), REPLACE (which is DELETE plus INSERT) and others. ROLLBACK is another cause for gaps in ids.
  • In Replication, you cannot trust ids to arrive at the slave(s) in ascending order. Although ids are assigned in consecutive order, InnoDB statements are sent to slaves in COMMIT order.

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow