

Install neo4jrestclient

pip install neo4jrestclient

Connect to neo4j

from neo4jrestclient.client import GraphDatabase
db = GraphDatabase("https://localhost:7474", username="neo4j", password="mypass")

Create some nodes with labels

user = db.labels.create("User")
u1 = db.nodes.create(name="user1")
u2 = db.nodes.create(name="user2")

You can associate a label with many nodes in one go

Language = db.labels.create("Language")
b1 = db.nodes.create(name="C++")
b2 = db.nodes.create(name="Python")
beer.add(b1, b2)

Create relationships

u1.relationships.create("likes", b1)
u1.relationships.create("likes", b2)
u2.relationships.create("likes", b1)

Bi-directional relationships

u1.relationships.create("friends", u2)

Match using neo4jrestclient

from neo4jrestclient import client

q = 'MATCH (u:User)-[r:likes]->(m:language) WHERE"Marco" RETURN u, type(r), m'

“db” as defined above

results = db.query(q, returns=(client.Node, str, client.Node))

Print results

for r in results:
print("(%s)-[%s]->(%s)" % (r[0]["name"], r[1], r[2]["name"]))



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