Objective-C Language



  • CONTAINS operator : It allows to filter objects with matching subset.

    NSPredicate *filterByName = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title CONTAINS[cd] %@",@"Tom"];

  • LIKE : Its simple comparison filter.

    NSPredicate *filterByNameCIS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title LIKE[cd] %@",@"Tom and Jerry"];

  • = operator : It returns all the objects with matching filter value.

    NSPredicate *filterByNameCS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title = %@",@"Tom and Jerry"];

  • IN operator : It allows you to filter objects with specific filter set.

    NSPredicate *filterByIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.id IN %@",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]];

  • NOT IN operator : It allows you to find Inverse objects with specific set.

    NSPredicate *filterByNotInIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT (self.id IN %@)",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]];


For more details read NSPredicate in Apple documentation

Filter By Name

NSArray *array = @[
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB71",
                        @"title": @"Jackie Chan Strike Movie",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB72",
                        @"title": @"Sherlock homes",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @0
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB73",
                        @"title": @"Titanic",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB74",
                        @"title": @"Star Wars",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB75",
                        @"title": @"Pokemon",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @0
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76",
                        @"title": @"Avatar",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB77",
                        @"title": @"Popey",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB78",
                        @"title": @"Tom and Jerry",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1
                        @"id": @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79",
                        @"title": @"The wolf",
                        @"url": @"https://abc.com/playback.m3u8",
                        @"thumbnailURL": @"https://abc.com/thumbnail.png",
                        @"isMovie" : @1

// *** Case Insensitive comparision with excate title match ***
NSPredicate *filterByNameCIS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title LIKE[cd] %@",@"Tom and Jerry"];
NSLog(@"Filter By Name(CIS) : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNameCIS]);

Find movies except given ids

// *** Find movies except given ids ***
NSPredicate *filterByNotInIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"NOT (self.id IN %@)",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]];
NSLog(@"Filter movies except given Ids : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNotInIds]);

Find all the objects which is of type movie

// *** Find all the objects which is of type movie, Both the syntax are valid ***
NSPredicate *filterByMovieType = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.isMovie = %@",@1];
// OR
//NSPredicate *filterByMovieType = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.isMovie = %@",[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
NSLog(@"Filter By Movie Type : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByMovieType]);

Find Distinct object ids of array

// *** Find Distinct object ids of array ***
NSLog(@"Distinct id : %@",[array valueForKeyPath:@"@distinctUnionOfObjects.id"]);

Find movies with specific ids

// *** Find movies with specific ids ***
NSPredicate *filterByIds = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.id IN %@",@[@"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB79", @"7CDF6D22-8D36-49C2-84FE-E31EECCECB76"]];
NSLog(@"Filter By Ids : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByIds]);

Case Insensitive comparison with exact title match

// *** Case Insensitive comparison with exact title match ***
NSPredicate *filterByNameCIS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title LIKE[cd] %@",@"Tom and Jerry"];
NSLog(@"Filter By Name(CIS) : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNameCIS]);

Case sensitive with exact title match

// *** Case sensitive with exact title match ***
NSPredicate *filterByNameCS = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title = %@",@"Tom and Jerry"];
NSLog(@"Filter By Name(CS) : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByNameCS]);

Case Insensitive comparison with matching subset

// *** Case Insensitive comparison with matching subset ***
NSPredicate *filterByName = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"self.title CONTAINS[cd] %@",@"Tom"];
NSLog(@"Filter By Containing Name : %@",[array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:filterByName]);

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow