Dates and Time
Create new DateTime
Install DateTime
on your PC and then use it in perl script:
use DateTime;
Create new current datetime
$dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh');
Then you can access elements’s values of date and time:
$year = $dt->year;
$month = $dt->month;
$day = $dt->day;
$hour = $dt->hour;
$minute = $dt->minute;
$second = $dt->second;
To get only time:
my $time = $dt->hms;
#return time with format hh:mm:ss
To get only date:
my $date = $dt->ymd;
#return date with format yyyy-mm-dd
Working with elements of datetime
Set single element:
$dt->set( year => 2016 );
Set many elements:
$dt->set( year => 2016, 'month' => 8);
Add duration to datetime
$dt->add( hour => 1, month => 2)
Datetime subtraction:
my $dt1 = DateTime->new(
year => 2016,
month => 8,
day => 20,
my $dt2 = DateTime->new(
year => 2016,
month => 8,
day => 24,
my $duration = $dt2->subtract_datetime($dt1);
print $duration->days
You will get the result is 4 days
Calculate code execution time
use Time::HiRes qw( time );
my $start = time();
#Code for which execution time is calculated
my $end = time();
printf("Execution Time: %0.02f s\n", $end - $start);
This will print execution time of Code in seconds