SUPER-Optimising for production
Once your project is done, you are left to wonder how will you upload those load of a 100 HTML imports on your web server and even if you do that, how much hours your site is going to take to load for a single client. In this topic, you’ll see how to convert the development mess into refined single html and js files.
- npm install: saves packages using Node.js Package Manager
- npm install -g: Saves packages from npm as global (Useful for Command Line interface packages)
- cd: Sets the focus of Command Line to a specific library in which processes can be done
- vulcanize: Crunches down all the HTML imports to a single file
- Crisper: Converts Inline JS in HTML file to external JS file
Installing all the required tools
Run the following command one by one:
npm install -g vulcanize crisper
- Vulcanize: Crunches all the HTML import files into a single file
- Crisper: Extracts inline js to its own file
Note: Ubuntu users may need to prefix the above command with sudo
Putting it all together
Put all the html imports in your files in a single file elements.html
. Don’t worry about a file being imported more than once, it’ll be crunched down to a single import.
Running vulcanize and crisper
on your elements.html
file, run the following commands:
vulcanize elements.html -o elements.vulc.html --strip-comments --inline-css --inline-js
crisper --source elements.vulc.html --html build.html --js build.js
Vulcanize retrieved source code of all the imports, then replaced imports by their source code.
Crisper took all the js out of the elements.vulc.html file, put it in single build.js file, set a script
tag referring the build.js
file in the build.html
Minifying the files
Open HTML minifier
Copy all its code
In the HTML minfier’s first textarea, paste the code you copied from
Click Minify button
In the second textarea, minified code will appear. Copy that
Create a
file and paste all your copied code in it -
Open JSCompress
Select 2nd tab i.e. Upload JavaScript Files
Click on
Choose Files
file -
Click on Compress button
Download the file as
in the same directory as of build.min.html
importing build.min.html
Remove all previous imports from those HTmL files from which you copy-pasted the imports. Replace imports with
<link rel="import" href="PATH/TO/IMPORTFILE/build.min.html">