
Introduction to Psake


  • Task - main function to execute a step of your build script
  • Depends - property that specify what the current step depends upon
  • default - there must always be a default task that will get executed if no initial task is specified
  • FormatTaskName - specifies how each step is displayed in the result window.


psake is a build automation tool written in PowerShell, and is inspired by Rake (Ruby make) and Bake (Boo make). It is used to create builds using dependency pattern. Documentation available here

Basic outline

Task Rebuild -Depends Clean, Build  {

Task Build {

Task Clean {

Task default -Depends Build

FormatTaskName example

# Will display task as:
# -------- Rebuild --------
# -------- Build --------
FormatTaskName "-------- {0} --------"  

# will display tasks in yellow colour:
# Running Rebuild  
FormatTaskName {
    "Running $taskName" - foregroundcolor yellow

Task Rebuild -Depends Clean, Build  {

Task Build {

Task Clean {

Task default -Depends Build

Run Task conditionally

propreties { 
    $isOk = $false

# By default the Build task won't run, unless there is a param $true
Task Build -precondition { return $isOk } {

Task Clean {

Task default -Depends Build


Task Build -depends Clean {

Task Clean -ContinueOnError {
    throw "throw on purpose, but the task will continue to run"

Task default -Depends Build

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow