Prolog Language

Extra-logical Predicates

Predicates with side effects

Predicates that produce side effects leave the realm of pure logic. These are for example:

  • writeq/1
  • read/1
  • format/2

Side effects are phenomena that cannot be reasoned about within the program. For example, deletion of a file or output on the system terminal.

Meta-logical predicates

Predicates that reason about instantiations are called meta-logical. Examples are:

  • var/1
  • ground/1
  • integer/1

These predicates are outside the realm of pure monotonic logic programs, because they break properties like commutativity of conjunction.

Other predicates that are meta-logical include:

  • arg/3
  • functor/3
  • (=..)/2

These predicates could in principle be modeled within first-order logic, but require an infinite number of clauses.

All-solutions predicates

Predicates that reason about all solutions are extra-logical. These are for example:

  • setof/3
  • findall/3
  • bagof/3

!/0 and related predicates

Predicates that impede or prohibit a declarative reading of Prolog programs are extra-logical. Examples of such predicates are:

  • !/0
  • (->)/2 and if-then-else
  • (\+)/1

These predicates can only be understood procedurally, by taking into account the actual control flow of the interpreter, and as such are beyond the realm of pure logic.

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