
SQL on Qt

Basic connection and query

The QSqlDatabase class provides an interface for accessing a database through a connection. An instance of QSqlDatabase represents the connection. The connection provides access to the database via one of the supported database drivers. Make sure to Add

QT += SQL 

in the .pro file. Assume an SQL DB named TestDB with a countryTable that contines the next column:

| country |
| USA     |

In order to query and get sql data from TestDB:

#include <QtGui>
#include <QtSql>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);

    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QPSQL"); // Will use the driver referred to by "QPSQL" (PostgreSQL Driver) 
    bool ok = db.open();
        QSqlQuery query("SELECT country FROM countryTable");
        while (query.next())
          QString country = query.value(0).toString();
          qWarning() << country; // Prints "USA"

    return app.exec();

Qt SQL query parameters

It’s often convenient to separate the SQL query from the actual values. This can be done using placeholders. Qt supports two placeholder syntaxes: named binding and positional binding.

named binding:

QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) VALUES (:id, :name, :salary)");
query.bindValue(":id", 1001);
query.bindValue(":name", "Thad Beaumont");
query.bindValue(":salary", 65000);

positional binding:

QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("INSERT INTO employee (id, name, salary) VALUES (?, ?, ?)");
query.addBindValue("Thad Beaumont");

Note that before calling bindValue() or addBindValue() you need to call QSqlQuery::prepare() once.

MS SQL Server Database Connection using QODBC

When trying to open a Database Connection with QODBC please ensure

  • You have QODBC driver available
  • Your server has an ODBC interface and is enabled to (this depends on your ODBC driver installations)
  • use shared memory access, TCP/IP connections or named pipe connection.

All connections only require the DatabaseName to be set by calling QSqlDatabase::setDatabaseName.

Open Connection using shared memory access

For this option to work you will need to have access to memory of the machine and must have permissions to access shared memory. For using a shared memory connection it is required to set lpc: in front of the Server string. Connection using the SQL Server Native Client 11 is made using these steps:

QString connectString = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};";                     // Driver is now {SQL Server Native Client 11.0}
connectString.append("Server=lpc:"+QHostInfo::localHostName()+"\\SQLINSTANCENAME;");   // Hostname,SQL-Server Instance
connectString.append("Database=SQLDBSCHEMA;");  // Schema
connectString.append("Uid=SQLUSER;");           // User
connectString.append("Pwd=SQLPASS;");           // Pass

    ui->statusBar->showMessage("Not Connected");

Open Connection using Named Pipe

This option requires your ODBC Connection to have a full DSN. The Server string is setup by using the Windows Computername and the Instancename of the SQL Server. The example connection will be opened using SQL Server Native Client 10.0

QString connectString = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};"; // Driver can also be {SQL Server Native Client 11.0}
connectString.append("Server=SERVERHOSTNAME\\SQLINSTANCENAME;");   // Hostname,SQL-Server Instance
connectString.append("Database=SQLDBSCHEMA;");  // Schema
connectString.append("Uid=SQLUSER;");           // User
connectString.append("Pwd=SQLPASS;");           // Pass

    ui->statusBar->showMessage("Not Connected");

Open Connection using TCP/IP

For opening a TCP/IP connection the server should be configured to allow connections on a fixed port, otherwise you will first have to query for the currently active port. In this example we have a fixed port at 5171. You can find an example for setting up the server to allow connections on a fixed port at 1. For open a connection using TCP/IP use a tuple of the servers IP and Port:

QString connectString = "Driver={SQL Server};"; // Driver is now {SQL Server}
connectString.append("Server=,5171;"); // IP,Port
connectString.append("Database=SQLDBSCHEMA;");  // Schema
connectString.append("Uid=SQLUSER;");           // User
connectString.append("Pwd=SQLPASS;");           // Pass

    ui->statusBar->showMessage("Not Connected");

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