‘node form the package’ should be ‘node from the package’
initially your say “starting” and “Stopping”, but you don’t explain how to do a controlled shutdown.
launch ros nodes and load parameters from Yaml file
roslaunch is an important tool that manages the start and stop of ROS nodes. It takes one or more “*.launch” files as arguments.
For this example, I will refer to the following (as asked in this question), so how can we execute those commands consecutively & automatically :
roscd stereo_camera
rosparam load marvin_cameras.yaml
rosrun stereo_camera stereo_camera __name:=bumblebeeLeft
rosrun stereo_camera stereo_camera __name:=bumblebeeCenter
roslaunch openni_launch_marvin kinect_left.launch
roslaunch openni_launch_marvin kinect_center.launch
First of all, let’s break up these commands in pieces
. As it can be seen, 4 ros commands are needed : roscd, rosparam, rosrun and roslaunch. Now let’s start !
This is an example of why roslaunch is powerful, In fact, all those commands could be included in one and only roslaunch file in ROS
. then all what we have to do is to launch this “solution.launch” file for a consecutive and automatic call for those commands.
To start, launch files are based on XML formatting, here’s a basic launch file in ROS, we will name it “basic_example.launch” and it’s included in a ROS package named “roslaunch_example”:
the command to execute this launch file is
$ roslaunch roslaunch_example basic_example.launch
following the specification :
$ roslaunch package_name launch_file_name.launch
Because of our launch file doesn’t include any commands, nothing will be executed, more on that later…
Including nodes in Launch files :
any ROS node in any ROS package installed is call-able in launch files. to that we have to specify the package containing the node and it’s name as specified in the package.
for example :
rosrun stereo_camera stereo_camera __name:=bumblebeeLeft
rosrun stereo_camera stereo_camera __name:=bumblebeeCenter
is a node form the package stereo_camera
and the arguments specified are it’s name __name:=bumblebeeLeft
and __name:=bumblebeeCenter
To add those nodes, we have to add the following lines:
<node name="$(arg name)" pkg="stereo_camera" type="stereo_camera" output="screen">
<param name="name" value="bumblebeeLeft" />
<node name="$(arg name)" pkg="stereo_camera" type="stereo_camera" output="screen">
<param name="name" value="bumblebeeCenter" />
Executing this launch file, we’ll have the two nodes running.
adding a parameter to a ROS node :
As can be seen, we added a parameter “name” for the nodes as :
<param name="name" value="bumblebeeCenter" />
In fact, we can add as much parameters as we want (as created above) and then refer to them by calling
"$(arg parameter_name)"
instead of fixing it’s value.
Specifying the output :
The output tag can be set to “screen”, if you need to see the node log on the terminal
or “log” to save the log to the log files in (~/.ros)
Including other ROS launch files in a ROS launch file :
As stated here, The
So, all to executes these commands
roslaunch openni_launch_marvin kinect_left.launch
roslaunch openni_launch_marvin kinect_center.launch
from a launch file, all we have to do is adding the following lines :
<include file="$(find openni_launch_marvin)/launch/kinect_left.launch" />
<include file="$(find openni_launch_marvin)/launch/kinect_center.launch" />
roscd to a package in ROS launch file
In order to find the launch file than we want to include, we don’t need to specify the full path. Instead, roslaunch provides the "$(find package_name)"
directive, this way, we can refer to our launch file relative to the package racine
In the above example, I assumed that the file “kinect_center.launch” is in the “openni_launch_marvin)/launch/” folder.
Loading parameters from YAML File :
In order to load parameters from a YAML file in ROS, ROS provides the “rosparam” tag.
As stated in the wiki : “The
Using this tag, we can load our YAML file in the launch file by adding this line :
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find marvin_cameras)/config/marvin_cameras.yaml" />
As used above, I assumed that the YAML file “marvin_cameras.yaml” is in the “marvin_cameras/config/” folder.
Assembling all pieces
Now that we have created separately our launch file contents, let’s assemble them in one big launch file “solution.launch”.
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find marvin_cameras)/config/marvin_cameras.yaml" />
<node name="$(arg name)" pkg="stereo_camera" type="stereo_camera" output="screen">
<param name="name" value="bumblebeeLeft" />
<node name="$(arg name)" pkg="stereo_camera" type="stereo_camera" output="screen">
<param name="name" value="bumblebeeCenter" />
<include file="$(find openni_launch_marvin)/launch/kinect_left.launch" />
<include file="$(find openni_launch_marvin)/launch/kinect_center.launch" />
Now, we have our one and only roslaunch file for executing all the commands consecutively and automatically.