Retry and RetryWhen Operators
Retry and RetryWhen can be used to attempt to recover Observables that might have errors in their stream.
- .retry(n: number): Observable
- n: retry will attempt the source Observable this many times.
- .retryWhen(receives: notificationHandler, the: scheduler): Observable
- receives: an Observable of notifications which the use can complete or error.
- If the ‘receives’ Observable returns cleanly
- If the ‘receives’ Observable returns an error, the source Observable is
- scheduler: The source Observable is subscribed to this scheduler.
- receives: an Observable of notifications which the use can complete or error.
Retry with backoff, until success or max number of attempts reached
The following code will attempt to execute loadFromHttp()
up to 5 times (maxAttempts
), with each attempt delayed by as many seconds. If maxAttempts
is surpassed, the Observable gives up.
// assume loadFromHttp() returns a Promise, which might fail.
.retryWhen((attempts) => {
let maxAttempts = 5;
Rx.Observable.range(1, maxAttempts+1).zip(attempts, (i, attempt) => [i, attempt])
.flatMap(([i, attempt]) => {
if (i <= maxAttempts) {
console.log(`Retrying in ${i} second(s)`);
return Rx.Observable.timer(i * 1000);
} else {
throw attempt;