
Working with Modal Dialog Boxes with JavaScript


  • var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();

  • var modalDialog = SP.UI.ModalDialog.showModalDialog(options);


options Property Description
title A string that contains the title of the dialog
url A string that contains the URL of the page that appears in the dialog. Either url or html must be specified. url takes precedence over html.
html An HTML element to display within the dialog.
x The x-offset of the dialog as an integer value.
y The y-offset of the dialog as an integer value.
width The width of the dialog as an integer value. If unspecified and autosize is false the width is set to 768px
height The height of the dialog as an integer value. If unspecified and autosize is false the height is set to 576px
allowMaximize A Boolean value specifying whether the Maximize button should be shown.
showMaximized A Boolean value specifying whether the dialog opens maximized.
showClose A Boolean value specifying whether the Close button appears on the dialog.
autoSize A Boolean value that specifies whether the dialog platform handles dialog sizing automatically.
dialogReturnValueCallback A function pointer that specifies the return callback function. Function takes two parameters: a dialogResult of type SP.UI.DialogResult Enumeration, and a returnValue object that contains any data returned by the dialog.
args An object that contains data that are passed to the dialog.
## Remarks#
The SP.UI.ModalDialog namespace was introduced to the JavaScript Object Model with SharePoint 2010, and is available in subsequent SharePoint versions 2013, Office365, and 2016.

Additional reference materials:

Perform an Action when a Dialog Box is Closed


function showDialog(){
    var options = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
    options.url = "/mySite/lists/myList/NewForm.aspx";
    options.dialogReturnValueCallback = myCallBackFunction;
    function myCallBackFunction(result,data){
            case SP.UI.DialogResult.invalid: 
                alert("The dialog result was invalid"); 
            case SP.UI.DialogResult.cancel: 
                alert("You clicked cancel or close"); 
            case SP.UI.DialogResult.OK: 
                alert("You clicked OK, creating an item in the list."); 

Show an Existing Page in a Dialog


function showDialog(){
        { url: "/org/it/web/wik/Lists/ExampleCode/DispForm.aspx?ID=6" }

Show a Custom Dialog


function showDialog(){
    var dialogOptions = SP.UI.$create_DialogOptions();
    dialogOptions.title = "Your Title Here!";
    var dummyElement = document.createElement("div"); = "center";
    dummyElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Some beautifully crafted text."));
    dialogOptions.html = dummyElement;

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