
The Session


A session keeps track of ORM objects and their changes, manages transactions and is used to perform queries.

Creating a Session

A session is usually obtained using sessionmaker, which creates a Session class unique to your application. Most commonly, the Session class is bound to an engine, allowing instances to use the engine implicitly.

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker

# Initial configuration arguments
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

The engine and Session should only be created once.

A session is an instance of the class we created:

# This session is bound to provided engine
session = Session()

Session.configure() can be used to configure the class later, e.g. application startup rather than import time.

Session = sessionmaker()

# later

Arguments passed to Session directly override the arguments passed to sessionmaker.

session_bound_to_engine2 = Session(bind=engine2)

Adding Instances

New or detached objects may be added to the session using add():


A sequence of objects may be added using add_all():

session.add_all([obj1, obj2, obj3])

An INSERT will be emitted to the database during the next flush, which happens automatically. Changes are persisted when the session is committed.

Deleting Instances

To delete persisted objects use delete():


Actual deletion from the database will happen on next flush.

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