Secure Shell

Reverse tunnels


Creating a reverse ssh tunnel takes just one switch -R to the original command.

Command line

Let’s assume you are connecting to the as a user guest using a command ssh Opening reverse tunnel can look like this:

ssh -R 2222:localhost:22

It will open a port 2222 on the remote server (loopback interface only) and every connection to this port will be forwarded to your local computer ssh server (port 22).

This also assumes that you have allowed options AllowTcpForwarding yes and PermitOpen any in your sshd_config on your server. Otherwise it will fail with error

open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed

If you want to allow the forwarded port to be accessible on other network addresses (than localhost), you need additionally to allow GatewayPorts yes and use a IP address or hostname or IP):

ssh -R


Additionally, you can specify your remote port forwarding in your ~/.ssh/config to avoid typing the same line every time you connect. Good practice might be to set up also alias to the host, which will have this forwarding, if you connect to your host frequently and don’t want to initiate the port forwarding every time:

  User guest
  RemoteForward 2222 localhost:22

and then create remote port forwarding simply using ssh

Running in background

The port forwarding can be simply run in the background using switches -N (do not run the remote command, only the forwarding), -f (go to background after authentication), -T (disable remote TTY allocation). Putting it all together:

ssh -NTfR 2222:localhost:22

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