

<switch> is a conditional processing attribute. It doesn’t prevent elements from being referenced by other elements. In our case, <switch> evaluates the systemLanguage value on its direct child elements that matches the user’s language. Once is found, the child is rendered and the other children will be bypassed.

If the systemLanguage is not specified, the child will be displayed, allowing us specifying a fallback.

Related W3C Recommendation informations

Alternate viewing depending on the user’s language

<svg xmlns="">
    <text systemLanguage="en-UK" x="10" y="10">UK English</text>
    <text systemLanguage="fr" x="10" y="10">Français</text>
    <text systemLanguage="ru" x="10" y="10">Русский</text>
    <text x="10" y="20">English</text> <!-- fallback (if none of the languages match) -->

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