


Argument Description
propertyName The name of the control property to bind.
dataSource An Object representing the data source.
dataMember The property or list to bind to.
formattingEnabled Determines, whether the displayed data should be formatted.
updateMode Data source is updated when the control property is validated (default), or immediately when the property has changed
nullValue When the data source has this value, the bound property is set to DBNull.
formatString One or more format specifier characters that indicate how a value is to be displayed
formatInfo An implementation of IFormatProvider to override default formatting behavior.
## Remarks#
Databinding only works with properties, never with fields!
## Binding controls to data objects
Each control has a property DataBindings which is a list of System.Windows.Forms.Binding objects. The Add()-method has some overloads which enables you easily binding to the property of an object:
textBox.DataBindings.Add( "Text", dataObj, "MyProperty" );

Note, that binding basically means subscribing to each others changeevent. The code above subscribes to changeevent of dataObj.MyProperty and adapts textBox.Text when it changes. And vice versa it subscribes to textBox.TextChanged and adapts dataObj.MyPropery when it changes.

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