


Retrieves information about the current site.


  • get_bloginfo( $show , $filter )


Parameter Details
$show (string) The site setting information to retrieve.
$filter (string) The specification on whether to return a filtered value or not.
## Remarks#
Values Description Example
‘name’ (Default) Site title 'Matt Mullenweg'
‘description’ Site tagline 'Just another WordPress site'
‘wpurl’ URL of the WordPress installation. Same as the site_url() function 'https://example.com' , 'https://localhost/wordpress'
‘url’ URL of the site. Same as the home_url() function 'https://example.com' , 'https://localhost/wordpress'
‘admin_email’ Email address of the main Administrator 'matt@mullenweg.com'
‘charset’ Character encoding of the pages and feeds 'UTF-8'
‘version’ Current version of the WordPress installation '4.5'
‘html_type’ content-type value of the HTML 'text/html'
‘text_direction’ Text direction determined by the site’s language 'ltr'
‘language’ ISO 639-1 based language code 'en-US'
‘stylesheet_url’ URL of the stylesheet of the activated theme. Value priority: Child theme » Parent theme. 'https://example.com/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen/style.css'
‘stylesheet_directory’ Resource location of the activated theme. Value priority: Child theme » Parent theme. 'https://example.com/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen'
‘template_url’ URL directory of the activated theme. Value priority: Parent theme » Child theme. 'https://example.com/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen'
‘template_directory’ Same as 'template_url'
‘pingback_url’ Pingback XML-RPC file 'https://example/xmlrpc.php'
‘atom_url’ Atom feed URL 'https://example/feed/atom/'
‘rdf_url’ RDF/RSS 1.0 feed URL 'https://example/feed/rdf/'
‘rss_url’ RSS 0.92 feed URL 'https://example/feed/rss/'
‘rss2_url’ RSS 2.0 feed URL 'https://example/feed/'
‘comments_atom_url’ Comments Atom feed URL 'https://example/comments/feed/atom/'
‘siteurl’ (deprecated) Use ‘url’ instead
‘home’ (deprecated) Use ‘url’ instead


Values Description Example
‘raw’ (Default) No filters will be applied raw data
‘display’ Filters will be applied to the return value if $show is neither 'url' , 'directory' , 'home' filtered data
## Getting the site title
<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>


<?php echo get_bloginfo(); ?>


Matt Mullenweg

Based on these sample settings

enter image description here

Getting the site tagline

<?php echo get_bloginfo( 'description' ); ?>


Just another WordPress site

Based on these sample settings

enter image description here

Getting the active theme URL

<?php echo esc_url( get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) ); ?>




Internally, get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) calls get_stylesheet_directory_uri(), so you may want to use that instead:

<?php echo esc_url( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ); ?>

Many developers prefer to use these dedicated functions because of inconsistent naming conventions between them and get_bloginfo(). For example, get_stylesheet_directory() returns the child theme path; however, as our previous example illustrates, get_bloginfo( 'stylesheet_directory' ) returns the child theme URL. If you use get_stylesheet_directory_uri() instead, there’s less chance of confusion over whether you’re retrieving a path or a URL.

Get site url

<?php echo esc_url(get_bloginfo('url')); ?>

or if you needed to link to a sub page

<?php echo esc_url(get_bloginfo('url') . '/some-sub-page');  ?>

Get Email Address of Site Administrator

We can use the get_bloginfo function to retrieve the email address of the site administrator.

<?php echo get_bloginfo('admin_email'); ?>

This modified text is an extract of the original Stack Overflow Documentation created by the contributors and released under CC BY-SA 3.0 This website is not affiliated with Stack Overflow